Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Santman receives driver’s ed award

Jessica Santman has been named New Driver Educator of the Year. (Photo provided) By Jason WesseldykSports Editor When Jessica Santman finished reading the letter she’d received from the Michigan Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association, she wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.So she read it again. And again.Finally, it began to sink in: Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

PHS’s Groner named finalist for art contest

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The Top 10 finalists for the Henry Pestka Art & Poetry Contest were recently announced.Plainwell High School student Laura Groner was included in that group for her painting “I Will Remember.”Groner and the other finalists will be featured in an art exhibit at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids.The Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Plainwell to review city manager applicants

By John RaffelCorrespondent At its Monday meeting, Plainwell city council members were scheduled to enter Closed Session to review and consider the applicants who have requested confidentiality as permitted under Michigan Open Meetings Act MCL 15.268 Section 8 (f) for the position of Plainwell City Manager.The council was also to consider an easement for Consumers Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Ex-mayor, candidate face election counts

By Scott SullivanEditorSaugatuck city council member and former mayor Garnet Lewis was arraigned April 3 on charges of failure to report a violation on nominating/initiative petitions.Mark Miller, a physician and candidate who ran with Lewis and three others for council last November, then made aware of the issue ended his run, was arraigned for the Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Will city airportland studies fly?

By Scott SullivanEditorSaugatuck City Council Monday approved three proposals to assess the city’s airport property. The land, surrounded by Saugatuck Township, lies east off 63rd Street bordering on an old landfill where 134th Avenue ends east of the expressway.Fleis & Vandenbrink engineering will conduct environmental assessments of the 170-acre largely-undeveloped parcel, one for what is Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

City hires pros to help STR Study

BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Saugatuck City Council Monday hired professional planning consultants McKenna and Associates for $25,000 to help and facilitate its new short-term rental (STR) task force. That group — chair Holly Anderson, Sean Steele, Kevin Tringali, Elizabeth Boerema, Cathy Hart, Anne Gudith, Joe Clark, Steven Manns and Lauren Stanton — has been tasked Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Ex-mayor charged on election count

BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Saugatuck city council member and former mayor Garnet Lewis was arraigned April 3 on charges of failure to report a violation on nominating/initiative petitions. Mark Miller, a physician and candidate who ran with Lewis and three others for council last November, then made aware of the issue ended his run, was Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Fennville votes to approve $850k bid to improve park

One of the ball fields at Memorial Park is underwater on Monday, April 3, 2023. Work at the park will improve drainage. The Fennville City Commission on Monday, April 3:Police chief: Was informed interviews are continuing for the Fennville Police Department chief. The city has been without a police chief or officers since Jan. 1 when Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Lastweek’s heavy rains cause flooding across county

For residents with homes along Swan Lake, the rising flow of Swan Creek affected the lake level and covered yards. The spring rains often cause residents to rethink how to find ways to control water flow during floods. Pictured above, Swan Creek crested the evening of April 3, 2023 and threatened homes. The mouth of Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Cyclist dies from injuries received in Lawrence Township crash

By Paul GarrodStaff Writer LAWRENCE TWP. – A 57-year-old Kalamazoo riding a motorcycle Friday afternoon, April 7, on Red Arrow Highway, Lawrence Township, was struck by a pickup truck pulling a trailer that was turning into a private drive. The cyclist later died at a Kalamazoo hospital from injuries he received, according to a press Read More…