Faces in the Crowd: Murray and Bonnie RockafellowMurray and Bonnie Rockafellow have lived extraordinary lives, together.“Together” being the key word.Since they married 52 years ago, the couple has owned a restaurant, a construction company, and a trucking company. They’ve owned them together, as a pair, as teammates, as best friends.They’ve traveled to all 48 states Read More…
Housing commission reviews applications
By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – At last week’s Osceola County Housing Commission meeting, there was a review of applications.Linda Miller, Executive Director Appointee – Big Rapids Housing Commission, discussed all the applications that were received and the projects that are being requested. She recommends the committee allow her to award the bids to the lowest Read More…
Osceola County unemployment at 4.1 percent
By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – The April unemployment rate for Osceola County is at 4.1 percent, ranking it the 39th lowest in the state as reported by the Michigan Department of Technology Management and Budget.The rate for other counties included 3.4 percent for Midland County to rank 22nd; 3.6 percent for Isabella County to rank Read More…
Harrison, Farwell honor fallen soldiers on Memorial Day
Photos by Steve LandeonIn Harrison Veterans Freedom Park hosted another annual Memorial Day service since opening in 2016. In addition to speeches by Allisha Gary, County Veterans Service Officer, Joe Prato, Commander of American Legion Post 404 and Scott Taylor, Commander VFW Post 1075, followed by; Laying of the Wreaths’ and retirement of the colors.Harrison Read More…
Weekend fires keep Harrison Fire Department hopping
By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Dry weather and sparks started fires over the holiday weekend that sent Harrison firefighters on three different calls, one destroying a garage, home and a truck another destroying five travel trailers and a third burning four acres and a chicken coop.Sherwood Trail – Long LakeThe first fire, called in at 12:55 pm Read More…
Trail Friends to toast year’s Success
Friends of the Blue Star Trail will roll into their annual “A Toast to the Blue Star Trail” funder Monday, June 26 at Inisfree Estate in Pullman with progress to celebrate. Guests can raise a glass towards winning conditional approval for $1.3-million and $300,000 state grants last year towards completing the recreational trail’s northern section Read More…
Allegan honors those who gave of themselves
Allegan’s Color Guard of Veterans led the parade from Downtown Allegan up Ely and Arbor Streets to Oakwood Cemetery. Following the Guard, marched the Allegan High School Band. Once attendees were assembled, Master of Ceremonies Pete Antkoviak moved into the program with the Rev. Chris Laughlin giving the invocation and the Boy Scouts presenting the Read More…
300 people gather to dedicate new Pullman memorial
Pullman, MI’s Memorial Day Remembrance on May 29, 2023 was one that will not be soon forgotten. About 300 people gathered in Pullman’s Town Square for the dedication of the Veterans Memorial. What began as a wishful utterance by Commander Jamie Austin of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Ralph Daily Jr. Post 6134, turned out Read More…
Motorcyclist pronounced dead at scene of crash
On May 24th near 12:10pm Allegan County Central Dispatch received a call for a personal injury crash on M-89 Highway east of 113th Ave in Allegan Township, Allegan County. Deputies responded and preliminary investigation found that a Buick SUV was driven by a 56 year old female from the Allegan area. There was also a Suzuki motorcycle Read More…
LHS graduates 45, $3.7 million in scholarships earned
By Pamela Whitlow The LaFayette High School Class of 2023 graduated 100% of its class on Tuesday night at the LaFayette High School Bulldog Gymnasium. What started out as a beautiful cloudy overcast day with great weather for an outdoor graduation, ended as a down pour of rain literally 10 minutes before the class of Read More…