By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Five Fire departments – Clare, assisted by Isabella North East, the Saginaw-Chippewa FD, Surrey Township and Harrison, with about 25 firefighters, worked to extinguish a fire that began in a pile of scrap metal Tuesday afternoon, June 6th.Clare Fire Chief Jim Chapman said the fire was an accident that was possibly started Read More…
Recall petitions approved for three from Redding Township, Will be on November ballot
By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Three recall petitions authored by Redding Township resident John Thompson have been approved placing two Township trustees and the Township Supervisor on the November ballot for recall.The three Township board members facing recall are Supervisor Bruce Scarborough, Trustee Marlene McGlasan and Trustee Nancy Scarborough.Each of their recall petitions reads the same. “for Read More…
Clare Summerfest begins Monday, June 19th
By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Clare’s annual Summerfest celebration is only a little over one week away!The event begins June 19 and is ongoing with event throughout the community until July 25th.Summerfest kicks off this year with a FREE Movie in the Park (Shamrock Park, 404 Wilcox Parkway) sponsored by Wood Household and presented by North Light Read More…
A carousel of colors
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR The lakeshore showed off summer colors as sun shone on Community Pride Week festivities in Douglas June 1-4 and Fennville poppy fields in full bloom. The fifth Community Pride Week feted diversity of all people all people with an array of fun including drag bowling, book-burning panel talk, Care-A-Van car parade Read More…
Douglas OKs school bus land rezone
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Douglas City Council Monday rezoned the Saugatuck Public Schools’ bus-parking lot on the southwest corner of Blue Star Highway and Fremont Street from C-2 General Commercial to C-1 Village Center near the highway and R-5 Residential in its wooded back parcel. District superintendent Tim Travis has voiced interest in moving bus Read More…
Fennville ends chief search, goes with sheriff
BY JIM HAYDEN CORRESPONDENT Dedicated police coverage will return to Fennville in July, more than six months after the police chief resigned and after two candidates to replace him backed out at the last minute. The city commission Monday voted unanimously to contract for one fulltime officer from the Allegan County Sheriff’s Office, ending 10 Read More…
Special Olympics team gets grand sendoff from Paw Paw officials
The Paw Paw Knights of Columbus hosted the Area 17 Special Olympic team last Wednesday, May 31, at their hall. The team was treated to a lunch and afterward, given an escort by members of the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan State Police, Paw Paw Police and Fire departments, and Van Buren Emergency Medical Read More…
A carousel of colors
By Scott SullivanEditorThe lakeshore showed off summer colors as sun shone on Community Pride Week festivities in Douglas June 1-4 and Fennville poppy fields in full bloom.The fifth Community Pride Week feted diversity of all people all people with an array of fun including drag bowling, book-burning panel talk, Care-A-Van car parade plus two days Read More…
OHS recognizes top seniors from Class of ‘23
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor Addyson Thomas had no trouble finding ways to stay busy during her time at Otsego High School.In addition to being president of the National Honor Society and treasurer of the Student Council, Thomas also participated in St. Margaret’s youth program, Purple Committee, the VanAndel Institute Ambassador Program, Bulldog Buddies and was Read More…
Plainwell’s Island City Fest offers three days of fun
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The Island City Festival is back in full force.After being cancelled due to COVID in 2020 followed by one-day events the past two years, the festival returns as a multi-day event for 2023.The festivities kicked off today (Thursday, June 8) and will last until Saturday, June 10.The Island City Festival committee Read More…