Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

“Out and About Soap, brain tumors, and gratitude

“Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.” -PlatoSoap has more uses than cleaning our bodies and Read More…

Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

The Cycles of Earth

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in HarmonyWith EarthWeekend ofJanuary 27-28, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…The Full/Doing Moon occurred Thursday, January 25 at 12:54 p.m. EST. The first Full Moon of the year, it is named the Wolf Moon as it was the time of year the wolves Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Postcard from the Pines: Number Please

Someone recently posted photos of two, recently discovered, Marion telephone books, from the spring of 1961. This brought quite a bit of discussion, much of it involving remembered numbers, and the immortal party line. Almost everyone shared a party line, particularly rural subscribers.Almost non-existent today, and certainly an old thing by today’s standards, the phone Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Take a little time to smell the roses

One more time…Since a major health upset in March of 2015, I believe I have been a very lucky person.That’s when I had an overload of CO-2 in my lungs, due to COPD I’ve had – or known about for the past 12 years. That one was a close call, but hard work and great Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

Mike’s Musings: Stem cell injections – so far, so good

Well, I did it. I had a few million stem cells injected into my right knee as an alternative to knee surgery.As many of you know, in a column a few months ago I asked readers whether they had had the surgery and what their experience was. I received more emails and mailed letters than Read More…

Albion Recorder & Calhoun/Jackson Morning Star Columns


By Frank PassicAlbion Historian In the 1860s, political alliances were strong, and newspapers were major avenues of espousingthe political views of the Democrat or Republican parties. In Albion, the Albion Mirror newspaper, founded in 1855, espoused the views of the Democratic Party. To counter that, the Albion Union-Herald was founded in 1861 to reflect the Read More…

Albion Recorder & Calhoun/Jackson Morning Star Columns

Looking Out: Childspeak

By Jim Whitehouse Having recently spent some time driving in southern Florida’s major metropolitan area, Ihave some Yankee country boy observations to share. Given the total lack of freeze/thaw cycles and given that the roads in Florida are built onsand, not clay, there is no excuse for the existence of potholes. True—they are not as Read More…

Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel Uncategorized

The Cycles of the Earth

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in Harmony With EarthWeekend ofJanuary 20-21, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…First Quarter/Planning Moon occurred January 17 at 10:53 p.m. EST. First Quarter means the Moon is one quarter of the way around the Earth in its orbit, which we see as half Read More…

Columns Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

“Out and About” Cannabis, moderation, and winter safety

You don’t need to travel far to find a “Pot Shop”. It’s legal to use cannabis here in Michigan and several other states, although the Federal Government doesn’t agree. The state feels that it is another way of gathering taxes. As a result, our schools and roads will benefit.Smoking cannabis, like regular smoking is not Read More…