As of this writing, we are experiencing sloppy roads and temperatures in the thirties. Looking out at the lake we can see one lone fisherman. We check on him every few minutes to make sure he hasn’t fallen through a crack in the ice. I’m not a fisherman, and if I was, I wouldn’t be Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Up, up and away
February has arrived. It’s the month of hearts and flowers, presidential birthdays and often cold and snow. It is the shortest month, preceding March, which many consider one of the longest. March is all that stands between us and the arrival of gentler weather. Some may be thinking of winging away to warmer climes for Read More…
Proud to be a Pioneer: Parenting – the Ultimate Test
Parenting is the world’s greatest honor and its’ most difficult task…all too often we experience both in the same day! We’re grateful for all the time, energy, and lessons you invest in your kids and we’ll continue to support and complement your efforts every day.If you read or watch the news, you’re well aware that Read More…
May I Walk with You? Have we Forgotten
I’ve been doing a little reading about the Eucharist, and I came across St. Thomas Aquinas who stated that one of the reasons Jesus gave us the Eucharist is so that we would not forget him. “Do this in remembrance of me.” He explained that Jesus knew that he was about to die, rise from Read More…
Pat’s Bits and Pieces: February Again
Well, it’s here – my least favorite month of the whole year.Yesterday was Groundhog Day and after they rousted the poor critter out of his “log,” reportedly “Punxsutawney Phil” did not see his shadow. Or maybe he did since the weather is calling for sunsing.According to the famous groundhog tradition, if it is cloudy, that Read More…
Maggie’s Pantry
By Maggie ConklinIrish CreamRecently we had our annual “really bad winter” where we hunkered down and did anything we could to prevent going outside.This is what us Michiganders prepare for, why we can meals, fill the freezer with food, make sure we have staples in house. Things like rice and dried beans, canned tomatoes, pasta, Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorAll the FactsCats concern me. My wife and daughter surround me with three of them, plus two dogs, two bunnies, four birds and a fish the kitten tries to catch from outside its aquarium. What possible use could these creatures have?I have read here that local newspapers are the lifeblood of their communities Read More…
Life as Performance Art
“America is an exceptional country,” Alexis de Tocqueville wrote after touring the still-young nation in the 1830s. Compared to his native France and other nations in Europe, he found an energy and vibrancy here that provided great opportunities for growth and innovation.De Tocqueville attributed this to parents of our founding fathers placing high emphasis on a classical Read More…
Up until last year, I could use two fingers to type out all my thoughts faster than any secretary. Well not the really good secretaries, but the ones who were hired more for their looks than their typing. (I know it’s politically incorrect, but I can’t help remembering that Evangelist Jim Bakker had a beautiful Read More…
Mike’s Musings: If you are a Michigan football fan, plenty to cheer for
Despite a crushing loss to the 49ers, all Michiganders can me mighty proud of how their professional and collegiate football teams (Michigan State not withstanding) performed this year.Just a few weeks ago the Michigan Wolverines were crowned National Champions. They endured so much drama during their season- sign stealing accusations, and Coach Harbaugh suspended for Read More…