“A single rose can be my garden…a single friend, my world.” – Leo BuscagliaIn the movie “The Graduate”, Dustin Hoffman was given a word to remember. It was a word that was supposed to be the answer to being successful. It was the word that promised to lead to the ultimate successes in the business Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Have a hot cup of News
Some may find it hard to believe but, long before our ability to instantly share news and events via television, cell phone, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on, people found a way to spread their news, whatever it may have been. There was a time when the folks in Marion had a well arranged and Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorWhere’s the Porn?God bless free speech. Without it censors would enslave us; with it we get letters to the editor such as Melanie Kurdyz of Plainwell wrote last week to the Allegan County News last.She corrects columnist G.C. Stoppel saying the issue isn’t book-burning but pornography-burning; look up bookslook.org for examples. Google said Read More…
Life as Performance Art
We see labels everywhere. If we go into a grocery store we for labels so we know whether we are buying canned peaches or canned mystery meat. Sometimes we read and compare labels of the ingredients to make certain we are eating something healthy. We want a label on a new shirt to let us know the Read More…
Mike’s Musings: History tells us money, weaponry will not help Ukraine
Why are we still supplying Ukraine with taxpayer money and weapons? Wouldn’t the hundreds of billions of dollars we have sent to fight the proxy war against Russia, be put to better use at home? I certainly think so.We have been told by our leaders for over 70 years that we must enter in to Read More…
“Out and About” Weather, events, and Consumer Reports facts
Today is a special day to celebrate. On March 3, 1931, the Star-Spangled Banner was officially named America’s National Anthem. I know very few people who can sing our anthem the way it was written.The month of February passed quickly. Normally, February is extremely cold and snowy, but Mother Nature has been kind to us Read More…
Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Busy, busy, busy and now more snow?
I was going to write about “Marvelous Muddy March” this week, but since we are buried under nearly a foot of snow out there, I guess I will save that topic for another time.It may be March now, but it certainly isn’t spring, marvelous or otherwise. Not when you need to be plowed out twice Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Fingers still crossed
The voting may be done, but no winner has yet been announced by the Clarke Historical Library in their annual digitize old Michigan newspaper contest. As you may have read, the archives of the Marion Press, and its predecessors, were entered for a chance to have the archive, and our history, digitized and made available Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorSo CalledAmazon ad affiliate Lavatory Lab ranks Michigan public bathrooms “Among America’s Worst!” — 20th of 50 states for rankest. What Jeff Bezos paid PoopCo for online opinion poll data: priceless.Bottom of the bowl: Wyoming scored 3.5 out of 10. Michigan (5.1) was nearer the 5.2 average than whitehotpr.com’s “Worst!” teaser but it Read More…
Growing can be a real pain, sometimes. What you once remembered with ease, you now forget.Case in point occurred last weekend. My significant other and I had booked a concert at a smallish auditorium back in December. It was sure to be sold out because the band had had a string of major hits in Read More…