Next Tuesday, April 18, is Tax Day. If you haven’t filed yet, the time for procrastinating is over. If you have your taxes done professionally, I wish you the best of luck, because tax preparers have been busy for the past couple of months. You just could not file this year, then later when the Read More…
Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Spring fever strikes again
Wednesday is nearly here – deadline day – and once again I am sitting here staring at the darn computer screen. As usual, I couldn’t think of a thing to write about this week, but sometimes when I start typing… Part of the problem is keeping my mind on what I should be doing. The Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: It’s Almost Garden Planting Time
What a grand thing this warm, springy weather has been. It gives us just enough oomph to get through any cold and gloomy siege Mom Nature may yet throw at us. The balmy breezes have us thinking of all the wonderful warm weather stuff. The itch to get our hands dirty in the garden has Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorDatedMarriage put a crimp on my dating and itself grows dated. Internet to the rescue. “[Dating] begins No find I able to impossible was to It be letter it is,” emailed Calvina Grasso. I couldn’t have said it better.Copied in with me were dgrumpy, b_angell1389 and bigbubba16. How do people get these names? Read More…
Life as Performance Art
My alma mater’s alumni office phoned me recently, seeking money of course.The student making the cold call mentioned it had been quite a while (a few decades, really) since I had last visited the school. When I asked how he knew, he said their computer records indicated I had not been on campus. I said I might have Read More…
Mike’s Musings: A new found admiration for those who endure pain
As I sit here with a walker at my side, I have gained a newfound affinity for those that must endure ailments and pain. You see I’ve been very healthy all my life, and never have had surgery. I didn’t understand the pain and suffering many, particularly the elderly face each day.My suffering is negligible. Read More…
“Out and About” ‘Lunch and Learn,’ a 5K run, and spring cleaning attention
“Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” ~ Robert SchullerIf you are an investor, you’ll want to mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 25 and make reservations to attend a “Lunch and Learn” event at the Three Rivers Area Chamber of Commerce Event Center, located at 1116 North Main Street in Three Rivers. The luncheon runs from Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Born in Mrs. Little’s House
Our photo this week is an oldie, and so we apologize for the quality. This is from a glass negative photo taken in 1908. The large house on the right is the Carrow/Mrs. Little’s Maternity/Fosnaught-Holdship Funeral Home. The next is Frank White’s, the bottom half remains. Of the eleven houses shown, and some are distant, Read More…
Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Spring is here, watch for Summer – it’s coming
It seems like this spring has been unusually chilly, but in looking back through past year’s columns, it actually was pretty typical weather for March, but other than a “spritz” of snow and some windy weather, March kinda went out like a lamb this year.Now April is officially here, and the thermometer is rising nearly Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorThe WallRe: last and this week’s lead stories: So much for practicing law with no brains.Continuing in that vein, scientists have created a tiny robot that melts, moves and can reform elsewhere, great for escaping prison and other bars where you’re lodged.Hong Kong researchers say the robot can liquify, then reassume its solid Read More…