The 12th annual Lumberjack Festival begins today with loads of events, contests and entertainment that will keep you busy right through Saturday afternoon. It is a great time to take a “step back in time and enjoy some of the fun contests and activities that were big hits a hundred years or more ago. My Read More…
Maggie’s Pantry
By Maggie ConklinMaple for Hot FlashesI can’t think of anyone who hasn’t been affected by menopause. If not the woman herself, then a husband, sibling, parent, child or friend of the suffering lady.Hot flashes and night sweats are the leading complaint, followed by brain fog, reduced libido, anxiety, insomnia and general irritability are all common Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorTidy BowlMy hearing is bad. So when someone summoned me to grab balls and hit the lanes, I thought they they meant hurling bowls at pins. I decided to do more research.Hardwood lanes 60 feet long (same as a pitching mound to home plate), 42 inches wide, lined by gutters have arrow demarcations Read More…
Life as Performance Art
Back in the bad old days, suicide was a felony, a serious criminal offence with substantial penalties. That might seem a bit odd since someone who took their own life is dead and cannot be charged with a crime. True, but the ancient Roman law had a bit of a twist to it. Committing suicide was Read More…
Humor: WATER
By Bill Frazer We daughters are helping Bill with his articles while he is rehabbing his hip and bragging on his guitar skills to any nurse that walks in the room. Though we’ve been editing his articles for the past couple of years (somewhere around the time he wanted to say exactly what he thought Read More…
Mike’s Musings: Will China buy your land?
This has been a concern for many in the USA. Some of us believe our economic foe is exerting way too much influence on our country and by buying up U.S. acreage, that influence will only increase. My friend and newspaper columnist (his column is published in over 600 newspapers weekly) Dr. Glenn Mollette lays Read More…
Out and About: Advice, things to remember, and tipping
In the past, Monks have had the reputation of being quite knowledgeable when it comes to giving advice. Here are some helpful hints on what we can all do to protect our valuable energy:
Postcard from the Pines: The Irish Inn – a tasty memory
We found this week’s topic on the Marion Community page on Facebook. Someone asked about the Irish Inn and got a great variety of answers, mostly regarding the excellent food dished up there for many years, and one of its last and most excellent cooks and proprietors, Norma Scherlitz Kelley Lindstrom. The name ‘Irish Inn’ comes Read More…
May I Walk With You? Transgender issues
In this article I want to raise some questions that for me surround the transgender issue that has been in the news and offer some commonsense solutions. First, I am not against transgender people. I have empathy for those who do not identify with biological gender as determined by organs observed at birth and by Read More…
Proud to be a Pioneer: Progress…
Schools are complex organizations to be certain. Clare has a long history as an exceptional place for learning, but not without difficult times as well. In the Board’s pursuit of excellence, one of its collective priorities has been consistent fiscal management, which in turn allows for investment in the classroom, in our people, and in Read More…