Many of us grew up in a kind of watered-down version of Christianity. While our parents and our religion teachers may have done their best to raise us as good Christians, others offered us a less orthodox version of our faith that was easier to handle, because it called into question what our Bible and Read More…
Proud to be a Pioneer: Runnin’ Down the Dream
In the words of the indomitable Tom Petty, we’re “runnin’ down the dream” here in Clare. The summer was a very busy one for the Board of Education: processing May election results, retooling the bond proposal, seeking state approval of the project, and finally authorizing the November 7th election. Following the May election, the Board Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Back To School—Some Things Never Change
They sneak up on you. First one, then two and before you know it, television and the print media have fired up a frenzy. Yes indeed, we’re all being hit with the dreaded Back to School blitz, inevitable as the changing of the leaves. Back to school shopping sure didn’t look like it does now Read More…
Maggie’s Pantry
By Maggie ConklinMushroom WalkEvery second Tuesday of September I lead a mushroom walk through a hidden gem of a magical forest near Pier Cove. I started it years ago with a few good friends, it grew from there, and now my entire West Michigan Ladies Homesteaders group shows up for the fun, too.Many people come Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorA.I.“Artificial” is not “official art,” an oxymoron, though the two are similar.The former means “humanly contrived, not occurring naturally (Her skin glowed in artificial light),” and/or “insincere or affected (an artificial smile).”“Official art” reminds me of Nietzsche saying liberal institutions cease to be liberal the instant they become institutions. With sanctioned art the Read More…
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I could see an American Flag out my window here at Arbor Springs. I’m now in a room facing a courtyard, and all I can see are animals seeking the shade and five rusty chairs that will never be used in the dead heat of summer. It reminds Read More…
Mike’s Musings: Fearmongers seeking more COVID restrictions, again
Here we go again- or I would like to say, I hope not. I continually hear rumblings that COVID vaccinations are again going to be required and masks mandatory in some locations. Will this lead to more schools and business shutdowns? It better not. New COVID vaccinations are being rolled out in September, and President Read More…
Life as Performance Art
Remember timelines we had to make in elementary school history classes? We drew a horizontal line, then vertical dashes to mark im-portant dates. For example, in February we might mark the 12th as Lincoln’s birthday, Washing-ton’s birthday 10 days later. If we had a good teacher, we would fill in a few other days with Read More…
“Out and About” Plastic, vacations, and events
I’m not sure what year the movie “The Graduate” was released, but it was a big hit for Dustin Hoffman. In the movie, his character was told about a word that will be very popular in years to come. That word was “Plastic”. Plastic has become very popular indeed. Plastic makes up a good portion Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Stoned
Yup, I‘m stoned, nicely, pleasantly, happily stoned. Although, more would be welcomed, and getting stoned with friends is a great pastime. In fact, there is always room for more stones and rocks of all sizes in my yard. Got your attention didn’t I?I’m serious about my stones and rocks. I’ve loved them and picked them Read More…