
Blue Star

Blue Star

Jordan WilcoxFeb 21, 20244 min read

By Scott SullivanEditorTransitionsThe Black Death is back, and about time too. Guess who caused an Oregon man last week to be diagnosed with bubonic plague?Illegal immigrantsThe cancel cultureBiden, Trump, Fauci or some other popular scapegoat currentlyHis catCat owners can’t be…



Jordan WilcoxFeb 21, 20243 min read

HOW does this mean good luck?! You never know what you’ll see in Walmart The staff put on a parade Last week Mardi Gras rolled into the Old Folks Hotel. I’ve been all over the world (that’s an exaggeration, I…

Mike’s Musings: Recognizing Washington and Lincoln- two of the best

Mike’s Musings: Recognizing Washington and Lincoln- two of the best

Jordan WilcoxFeb 21, 20243 min read

Presidents’ Day has come and gone but I can’t help but reflect on two of my favorites, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.Washington was our first president. He led an army of rag tag colonists of victory over the well-trained, formidable…

Life as Performance Art

Life as Performance Art

Jordan WilcoxFeb 21, 20243 min read

Step back in time to midsummer in Paris, 1945. After five years of German occupation, the war in Europe had ended. Paris had been liberated the previous August.At first the city was full of joy again. Despite the Bavarian corporal’s orders,…

Maggie’s Pantry

Maggie’s Pantry

Jordan WilcoxFeb 14, 20242 min read

By Maggie ConklinCheesy GarlicBiscuitsI tripped over an old recipe card given me by a coworker more than a decade ago. Now, I try to eat healthy and refrain from fatty breads, but we were going to a potluck and this…

Blue Star

Blue Star

Jordan WilcoxFeb 14, 20243 min read

By Scott SullivanEditorIndivisbleI build barriers. Fear invasion? My walls fend off (choose one or more):MexicansMongolsGermsGermansChineseFluCovidOvidWeatherOr notIn-lawsOutlawsEx-esExcess options With U.S. taxpayers housing, feeding and transporting 5 million illegal immigrants (Them) all over the country, what percentage are young males looking for…



Jordan WilcoxFeb 14, 20243 min read

My heart made it 91 years without any problem. No outside assistance, pacemaker or meds, were needed to keep the clock ticking. I’m 95 now, so that means around 2020 things started to go south. Dr. Holmes, the renowned cardiologist…

Life as Performance Art

Life as Performance Art

Jordan WilcoxFeb 14, 20243 min read

One day, after a salesclerk said, “Have a nice day,” I turned towards her with my bleakest expression and replied, “Thank you, but I have other plans.” When I bought a couple tomatoes from her later, she said, “Have a good…

Mike’s Musings: Stop Electing Representative Who Have Spent Their Lives as Politicians

Mike’s Musings: Stop Electing Representative Who Have Spent Their Lives as Politicians

Jordan WilcoxFeb 14, 20243 min read

I’ve written about this many times, but as we prepare to vote this year, I would ask you to be mindful of this- we keep electing leaders that have long past the age where we receive social security checks. Age…

“Out and About” Household hints, Ice Breaker, and some quotes

“Out and About” Household hints, Ice Breaker, and some quotes

Jordan WilcoxFeb 9, 20243 min read

“I believe in America because we have great dreams and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.” -Wendell L. WilkieIn past columns, I’ve mentioned a few household hints. I even listed other uses for coffee filters…

The Cycles of Earth

Jordan WilcoxFeb 9, 20244 min read

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in HarmonyWith EarthWeekend ofFebruary 10-11, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…The New/Resting Moon on Friday, February 9 at 5:59 p.m. EST, gives us cosmic permission to rest. The…

Postcard from the Pines: Need Gas?

Postcard from the Pines: Need Gas?

Jordan WilcoxFeb 9, 20245 min read

The history of gas stations and their owners in our little town would require a bookkeeper and true enthusiast to track. From grinding grain to changing tires, the story of the Marion Roller Mills becoming the Texaco could fill several…



Jordan WilcoxFeb 9, 20243 min read

Recently, I had the wonderful experience of participating in a class that prepared me to carry a concealed pistol. During the class I not only learned the laws concerning carrying a concealed weapon, but also learned the appropriate way to…

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: A Day at the Office

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: A Day at the Office

Jordan WilcoxFeb 9, 20244 min read

Well February over a week old already. Only 19 more days to go…I haven’t had time to complain about my least favorite month much though. I’ve been pretty sick with a reaction to an antibiotic.One more allergic reaction to add…

Maggie’s Pantry

Maggie’s Pantry

Jordan WilcoxFeb 7, 20242 min read

By Maggie ConklinChicken SimpleI bought four chicken thighs on sale and was at a loss how to cook them. It wasn’t enough to crank up the slow cooker, and I was tired of baked chicken.I didn’t find much in the…

Blue Star

Blue Star

Jordan WilcoxFeb 7, 20244 min read

By Scott SullivanEditorTransformersApple Vision Pro headsets now out usher in the age of “spatial computing,” the tech giant says.For $3,500 we can don goggles that let us experience “the intersection of the physical world around us and a virtual world…



Jordan WilcoxFeb 7, 20244 min read

The Country Mouse was happier Meanwhile in Atlanta Me wheeling out of Auburn gameday traffic At the Old Folks Hotel a large percentage of the residents were born and raised in the country. That has to be why I like…

Mike’s Musings: Close the Border no, not later

Mike’s Musings: Close the Border no, not later

Jordan WilcoxFeb 7, 20243 min read

I don’t understand why we can’t close off the border and allow legal immigration to take place.In the last three years, over 5,000,000 illegals have crossed into the United States. That’s 5,000,000 people taxpayers are housing, feeding and transporting all…

Life as Performance Art

Jordan WilcoxFeb 7, 20247 min read

 My late friend George was a researcher.  If it interested him, and everything did, there was no subject too great or small for him not to devote considerable time and energy into looking into it in detail. A year or so…

The Cycles of Earth

Jordan WilcoxFeb 2, 20244 min read

by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in HarmonyWith EarthWeekend ofFebruary 3-4, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…Third Quarter/Finishing Moon occurs Friday, February 2 at 6:18 p.m. EST. We are just over one third of…