Should we worry Mother Earth is trying to kill us before we kill her? Might be. There is information about that possible threat in nearly all reliable print and online newspapers. Gari Voss has elegantly written well-researched Allegan County News articles about PFAS and other pollutants in the Kalamazoo River. She keeps us informed about what Read More…
Mike’s Musings: A day in my life- I don’t wish it on anyone
Sometimes being a small business owner simply sucks. So much responsibility, and not enough time to enjoy life.Here’s an example, of one day last week. As usual I start my workday at 6 am. I figure I can get a head start before the phone rings and I’m inundated with emails. I’ve had this schedule Read More…
The Cycles of Earth
by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in Harmony With EarthWeekend ofMarch 9-10, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…The New/Resting Moon on Sunday, March 10 at 4:00 a.m. EST, coincides with the return to the oft-dreaded Daylight Savings Time. “Springing forward” sounds so good until the circadian rhythm upset kicks Read More…
“Out and About” WD-40, daylight savings time, and 90-year-old advice
“May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country.” -Daniel WebsterI’ve heard that as long as you have a roll of duct tape and a can of WD-40, you can fix just about anything. I have both in my tool box. Here are some Read More…
Postcard from the Pines: Marion’s Music Bowl
Perhaps if Christopher Clark had given any serious thought to the town which would inevitably grow up around his mill site, Marion might be in a slightly different location. Since the early lumbering days and the arrival of Mr. Clark, dealing with the river in this low valley of the Middle Branch has not been Read More…
May I Walk with You? Vacations
I think all of us at one time or another have considered the idea of becoming a minister, priest, nun, or lay minister in our church. I know that I considered it as did many of my family members and friends. We held all people in great esteem who had a religious vocation. Two things Read More…
Pat’s Bits & Pieces: Think Spring and green for the Irish Feastival !!!
March so far has been quiet…and mild.High temperature here on Monday was 72!I don’t know if that qualifies as “in like a lamb” or not, but it certainly has been warm enough for signs of spring this week, and the sun has been shining quite a bit. In fact, daughter Lisa posted that she has Read More…
Maggie’s Pantry
By Maggie ConklinCarrot Cake OatmealWhile visiting buddies last week in Florida, my friend Maria asked if my dear husband and I liked carrot cake.Since it was our wedding cake, I guess we must like it. In fact we love it! Maria then got to work making carrot cake oatmeal that evening for breakfast the next Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorCelebrate, or ElseNow it’s March we have much to beware and aware of. For instance, grammar. Saying “we have much of which to be aware” sounds clunky, but on National Grammar Day March 4 it was more correct.We have 31 days, ticking down and to tick us off, to become more conscious of Read More…
For 50 years I marched around the woods marking trees. My daughters’ friends thought I was a forest ranger, which would have been less pay but more fun, but the correct terminology is Consulting Forester. Every day I would gear up in tall work boots and long sleeves, fully prepared to take on the enemy Read More…