Nothing tastes better than burgers and dogs cooked on your outdoor grill. Whether you burn charcoal or propane, the meat always seems to taste a little better. Besides, the lady of the house appreciates you messing up the grill instead of her messing up the kitchen stove and heating up the entire kitchen. I don’t Read More…
Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel
Obituary: John Lind
John Lind, 84, of Three Rivers, passed away Sunday, July 16, 2023 at home surrounded by his loving family.He was born April 22, 1939 in South Bend, Ind., the son of Charles and Biddie Lind. He played basketball for Lakeville High School, went on to Manchester College, and later worked for the state of Michigan.John Read More…
Details on force main break, repairs outlined to TR city commission
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director THREE RIVERS — The superintendent of the Three Rivers Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) gave Three Rivers city commissioners an update on one of the biggest force main breaks in the city in recent memory, noting at one point it could be a year before a new force main could be put Read More…
Inclement weather hinders Covered Bridge Days
By Robert TomlinsonNews DirectorCENTREVILLE — Last weekend’s Covered Bridge Days in Centreville had the theme of “Hometown Country,” but you could make a strong case that rainy weather was a secondary theme.The 51st edition of the festival had a few notable events that were cancelled and rescheduled due to threats of rain in the area Read More…
Sturgis Public Schools Board of Education approves teaching hires, receives recap of summer academic camp
By Dennis Volkert Roundup of news from the latest meeting of Sturgis Public Schools Board of Education, Monday, July 17.Teaching hires approvedThree teachers were approved by the board for employment at Sturgis Public Schools.
Long-anticipated roundabout open for traffic in Sturgis
By Dennis VolkertA roundabout at the intersection of East Lafayette Street and North Franks Avenue in Sturgis opened July 13.It’s the first intersection of its kind in Sturgis.Construction had been ongoing for the past few months.To fund the project, the city received a grant from Michigan Department of Transportation for just over $472,000 toward the Read More…
‘MI Art Fest’ 2023: New attractions, returning features
The second annual “MI Art Fest” took place July 14 in downtown Sturgis.New attractions for 2023 included a live-art stage and a cell phone photo walking tour.Art vendors displayed their wares outside of downtown shops on U.S. 12. Also featured were art demonstrations, take-and-make kits and trolley-car rides.A new art sculpture, “Community,” by Beverley Benne Read More…
Ever wanted to own a slice of local history, an old piece of newspaper history, or just browse the newspaper’s office? – Well, now’s your chance. The Three Rivers Commercial-News Newspaper in Three Rivers is holding an estate sale-like event this weekend. In an effort to clean out several decades worth of stuff we’ve accumulated, Read More…
Mike’s Musings: Will China buy your land?
This has been a concern for many in the USA. Some of us believe our economic foe is exerting way too much influence on our country and by buying up U.S. acreage, that influence will only increase. My friend and newspaper columnist (his column is published in over 600 newspapers weekly) Dr. Glenn Mollette lays Read More…
No-contact advisory lifted for St. Joseph River
By Robert TomlinsonNews Director THREE RIVERS — It is now safe to do recreational activities in the St. Joseph River. The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency (BHSJ) on Tuesday lifted the no-contact advisory issued on July 10 for the St. Joseph River between the Broadway Street bridge and the village of Constantine. BHSJ officials said Read More…