Frances Myers, 78 Frances Inez Myers, nee Voris, known for her kindness and generosity, passed on Jan, 17, 2022. She considered herself as a citizen of Saugatuck and spent as much time as she could in the family’s second home. Three generations of Knight-Voris family members have maintained homes in Saugatuck for nearly 100 years. Read More…
Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record
Mike’s Musings: Get a Chuckle Out of These Laws
From time to time, I like to delve into the ancient annals of our history books to hu-mor myself with laws our representatives have enacted. Here’s a few silly laws I found. Michigan LawsThe City of Detroit passed an ordinance that made it illegal for a pig or pigs to run free in the city, Read More…
Life as Performance Art
“Vax or Tax” is an idea be-ing seriously considered in the Quebec Provincial Legis-lature and picking up trac-tion elsewhere.The basic premise is people who refuse to receive the full dose of the Covid-19 vac-cination are far more likely to become ill and need hos-pitalization than those who do. Even if they do not end up Read More…
Township historic district has pros, cons
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Should Saugatuck Township establish a Local Historic District at the mouth of the Kalamazoo River, which a new report traces to the outcome of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 106 Review of North Shore of Saugatuck’s proposed boat basin? Advantages, says the 28-page document prepared by the planning commission’s Read More…
Saugatuck keeps, changes pop-up patios
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Pop-up patios will return to downtown Saugatuck this season, but with changes. City council Monday approved continuing to allow restaurants to use sidewalk and parking space rights-of-way in front of their establishments for outdoor serving, but: • Adding a $200 per parking space used monthly charge. • Changing maximum allowable patio Read More…
CUT Saug all-staters-
Saugatuck honors individual state champs Saugatuck High School honored individual state champions and/or their family representatives able to attend between boys and girls varsity basketball games against Fennville Friday. Pictured are, from left, Mike and Ruth Johnson (parents of Jillian Johnson), Bradley Dunn, Benny Diaz, Sue and Luke Gorgas (mother and brother of Cory Gorgas), Read More…
Bistro 44 closes Douglas doors
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Add Bistro 44 to the list of eateries that didn’t last long at 8 Center St. in Douglas. The eatery, owned by local residents Heather Reyes and husband Tino, announced its closure downtown Jan. 20. “We want to thank everyone for allowing us to serve you these past couple years,” the Read More…
Douglas Has Multiple ARP Demands
BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR The good news is Douglas has half its federal $140,779 American Rescue Plan dollars allotted through the state’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, with balance due in September 2022. The less-good news? “We have many competing projects and needs,” city manager Rich LaBombard told council Monday. The ARPA, passed March 11 Read More…
Alliance Boast New Members Funds
The Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance, a 15-year local nonprofit land preservation group has realigned and added new board members. New is board chair Bobbie Gaunt, perhaps best known locally for her work with the Saugatuck Center for the Arts; attorney Rick Kirk; retired healthcare executive Tim Smith, and Nick Wallace. They join returning president David Read More…
Obituary: Florence Guild
Florence Guild, 100 Florence “Dolly” Dunlap Guild died peacefully on Jan. 7, 2022 at 100 years, 10 months old. She was born on March 20, 1921 in Edmonton, Alberta, to Ralph Archibald Dunlap and Isabel McCully MacDonald Dunlap. Dolly enjoyed a childhood of ice-skating, ballet, and family fun with her brothers Henry and Archie. Edmonton Read More…