By Scott SullivanEditorBlue Star Highway bridge abridgments this summer at I-196 Exits 41 and 36 will not be simultaneous, the Michigan Department of Transportation told local officials May 11.Exit 41 reconstruction is up first June 6 through Aug. 22, The overpass will be closed but all exits/entrances to the freeway will stay open, said MDOT. Read More…
Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record
Life as Performance Art
“Stop using the word ‘re-gret,’” and older woman ad-vised me. “Regret is auseless emotion. You would be bet-ter off dropping it from your vocabulary.”I have come to realize she was right, and charitable too. To regret something means it was in the past. The words were spoken, the ac-tion taken and we can’t go back Read More…
Life lessons for new graduates
One of the great accomplishments one can achieve in their teen years is graduating from high school. Wilcox Newspapers has underscored this achievement by honoring grads in several of our local newspapers. It is a daunting task, but we believe each graduate should be recognized for that achievement.Of course, the big question for all grads, Read More…
Lakeshore access from Blue Star eyed
By Scott Sullivan Editor A Lakeshore Resort proposal to create a private road from Saugatuck Self Storage, at 2892 Blue Star Hwy. in Douglas, 3,750 feet south and west through undeveloped Saugatuck Township land to the back of its 2885 Lakeshore Dr. property will be weighed Thursday, May 11 by Douglas city planners. A largely-gravel Read More…
Election results favorable to schools and municipalities
By Gari Voss The Tuesday, May 2, 2023 elections results are in the locked bags and cans, and the books have been examined by the Allegan County Board of Canvassers. Precincts are quite comfortable with the results.SCHOOLSThe closest watched proposals were for school bond millages. Hamilton Community Schools and Wayland Union Schools went to the Read More…
Trailblazers claim first SAC Lakeshore championship
By Jason WesseldykSports EditorAll wins are nice. But some are a little more meaningful than others.Case in point: The 3-0 win by the Saugatuck girls soccer team over Holland Black River on Thursday, May 3.Because not only did that win extend the Trailblazers’ winning streak to 10, but it also locked up the first SAC Read More…
Blue Star
By Scott SullivanEditorWays to See“Look at this,” my wife said.I see nothing.“Camera crap everywhere. Lights, lenses, bodies, cards, chargers, boxes …”So I see many ways …“Time to retire,” she said.Then what?Internet and movie screens to the rescue. I can lie in bed and travel the universe on my laptop or drive seven blocks to the Read More…
Center Collective condos eye advance
By Scott SullivanEditorJeff Kerr’s years-in-the-works plan to develop the northern 6.9 acres of 324 W. Center St. may take another step at the Douglas Planning Commission meeting Thursday, May 11.Contract city planner and zoning administrator Tricia Anderson is suggesting the commission offer a favorable recommendation build 19 single-family residential site condominiums to city council for Read More…
Don’t judge the newspaper by its opinion page
Maybe I’m more sensitive than most, but when I get a subscription cancellation, I’m bothered. A few weeks ago we received a 300-word cancellation notice essentially ripping columnist G.S. Stoppel and myself.Stoppel’s column runs in the Commercial Record, Allegan County News, Union Enterprise, Courier Leader and Flashes. My column is published in all ten of Read More…
Life as Performance Art
Truth be told, there is just not a lot of information I need to know about you, I’m just not interested in your politics. In fact, I don’t care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Natural Law Party, Socialist Workers Party, or a Libertarian. Nor do I have much interest in whether you are a Read More…