Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Columns Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Life as Performance Art

Should we worry Mother Earth is trying to kill us before we kill her? Might be. There is information about that possible threat in nearly all reliable print and online newspapers.  Gari Voss has elegantly written well-researched Allegan County News articles about PFAS and other pollutants in the Kalamazoo River. She keeps us informed about what Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Mike’s Musings: A day in my life- I don’t wish it on anyone

Sometimes being a small business owner simply sucks. So much responsibility, and not enough time to enjoy life.Here’s an example, of one day last week. As usual I start my workday at 6 am. I figure I can get a head start before the phone rings and I’m inundated with emails. I’ve had this schedule Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Woman’s Club offers learning, fun

The Saugatuck Woman’s Club will host presentations this season by Book Nook and Owl House business owners, gardeners, a hands-on watercolor-painting class and field trip to a flower farm, among other treats. Biweekly Thursday sessions, free and open to everyone, meet in the historic SWC Clubhouse, at the corner of Butler and Hoffman streets, downtown Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Douglas seat opens as member 5 months leaves town

BY SCOTT SULLIVAN EDITOR Fran Ray didn’t last long as a Douglas City Council member. First elected Nov. 5 last year, she resigned Thursday, Feb. 29 because she is moving out of town. Ray thanked council peers and City Manager Lisa Nocerini for the opportunity to work with them. “Even for this short time,” Ray Read More…

News Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

City OKs rental caps, not freeze

By Scott SullivanEditorSaugatuck City Council last Thursday OK’d three short-term rental measures but nixed a proposed 6-month moratorium on new licenses in residential areas.The latter measure, which drew many public and council comments during a 3-plus-hour meeting, failed by a 4-3 vote.Members Holly Anderson, Helen Baldwin and Scott Dean, favored imposing the planning commission-recommended freeze. Read More…

Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record Sports

Trailblazers extend winning streak

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor SAUGATUCK—A multi-pronged scoring attack has been one of the hallmarks for the Saugatuck girls basketball team this season.The regular-season finale against visiting Constantine was no exception.Led by a game-topping 20 points from senior Brook Simpson, four Trailblazers reached double figures in points as Saugatuck cruised to the 61-38 victory.The win extended Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Life as Performance Art

When my great grandfather and his family settled in southeastern Minnesota, they found part of their homestead had berry bushes, fruit and plum trees.During the growing season they ate their fill. Everything else was dried and preserved for winter. Although no one was interested in buying his surplus plums, people did purchase wine he made Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

Mike’s Musings: Why the U.s. is the best in the world

Despite my rantings about corruption in government, I still believe the United States is the best country in the world. Yes we have our failings, but overall our republic should be at the top of any list.Not so says U.S. News and World Report. They rate the U.S. fifth best in the world. They say Read More…