Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Lawrence students pay tribute to World War II vet

Lawrence Elementary School kindergarten, first and third grade students paid tribute to World War II Army veteran Gene Carr, 97, of Lawrence, who died March 2. After the funeral service at the Lawrence United Methodist Church, the students lined St. Joseph Street, in front of the school, waving American flags as the funeral procession, Gene’s Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Gobles junior wins state bowling championship

By Ben MurphySports Writer Winning one Division 4 bowling state championship? That’s pretty special. Winning back-to-back championships? That’s something on another level entirely. That is exactly what Gobles junior Morgan Brunner did on Saturday however, when she rolled her way to her second straight individual title, at M-66 Bowl in Battle Creek.“Considering at the start Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Five earn Eagle Scout awards

By Paul GarrodStaff Writer PAW PAW – An Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held Saturday afternoon, March 5, at the Paw Paw United Methodist Church for five members of Troop 169 Southern Shore Field Service Council, Paw Paw. Boy Scouts receiving their Eagle Scout were Mason Aldrich, Caleb Taylor, Joseph “Joey” Herr, Zach Dooley, Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record


Wilcox Newspapers is looking for several dedicated individuals to deliver the Paw Paw Flashes, Courier-Leader, and Commercial Record newspapers to local businesses and post offices in the tri-county area. Applicants must have a valid U.S. driver’s license and their own vehicle. Knowledge of the tri-county area is a major plus. For more information, please email Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Delores  Eileen Evink  

Delores Eileen Butcher-Evink, 93, of Lawton, passed away peacefully Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. She was born Aug. 4, 1928, in Marcellus, Michigan, the daughter of Harold Westphal and Georgia (Boyer) Westphal.Delores enjoyed camping with her children when they were younger, she was a hard worker, working as a waitress, Paw Paw Plating and Welch Foods. Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Mattawan’s Johnson wins individual title at bowling regionals

Mattawan and Paw Paw sent their bowling teams to a Division 2 regional at Spectrum Lanes in Wyoming on Friday and Saturday. While neither team was able to continue their season, the tournament was highlighted by Mattawan’s Charlie Johnson winning the individual regional tournament.In Friday’s team portion, the Paw Paw boys wrapped up a sixth Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

County Commissioners approve proposal by DTS Technologies

By Paul GarrodStaff Writer PAW PAW – On Feb. 22, Van Buren County Commissioners approved a request to waive the county’s procurement and bidding policy and to approve a proposal by DCS Technologies.In August of 2019, Market Van Buren organized the first meeting of the Van Buren County Internet Task Force (ITF). The ITF includes Read More…

Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

PP Schools launch bond issue campaign

PAW PAW – The Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education at its Feb. 7, meeting voted unanimously to approve ballot proposal language for the May 3 Bond Election. With formal approval, Paw Paw Public Schools Bond ‘22 campaign is now officially underway, according to a press release from the school district.“We have learned a Read More…