HARTFORD – A boy faced seven criminal charges in Van Buren County Thursday, June 2, accused of robbing a gas station clerk at gunpoint after firing a warning shot.The 12-year-old boy had walked about a mile to get to a gas station on East Main Street in Hartford Wednesday, June 1, according to the Hartford Read More…
Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes
Ex-con shoots two in Hartford trailer
The Michigan State Police (MSP) Paw Paw Post is investigating a shooting and unlawful imprisonment that occurred early June 8, around 5:30 a.m. in the 62000 block of 63rd St., Hartford Twp. Preliminary investigation reveals that the suspect, who was armed with a handgun, held two individuals he is acquainted with against their will inside Read More…
My father, my hero
(I wrote this a year ago but wanted share it again. Heck I might share this column over and over for years to come. The man meant so much to me)This week I give pause to reflect on my hero, my father. Although he was buried eight years ago, there isn’t a day I don’t Read More…
Life as Performance Art
I have been waking up well before dawn this spring, and it is all my wife’s fault. No, she is not pulling the blankets over to her side on cool mornings, or sprawling across the bed, shoving me closer to the edge. Rather, it is a book that she gave me for Christmas, entitled Bird Songs in Love Read More…
Life as Performance Art
James Barrie, best remembered as the author of Peter Pan, also wrote a short play he called, “The Old Woman Shows Her Medals.” It is a sad tale of an elderly widow who would periodically go to the local train station, and if she saw a soldier home on leave from the Western Front in France Read More…
Bring back Civics classes, initiate term limits
I fear for our democracy. My fear is rooted in the fact that most citizens don’t really care about what is happening at their federal, state and local governments. Only fifty percent of us bother to vote, and once the vote is complete, we forget that part of our civic duty is to play watchdog Read More…
Lawrence to honor lifelong resident
By Paul GarrodStaff Writer LAWRENCE – A lifelong resident of Lawrence and an active community member will be honored June 11 by the community during an open house.Charles “Chuck” Moden, 89, graduated from Lawrence High School in 1951, where he played baseball and basketball. He then went to work as a meat cutter at the Read More…
Traffic stops view poppies in bloom
This newly constructed home on County Road 653, north of 52nd Avenue, Paw Paw, saw traffic stop and take photos during the past week of the field of poppies that had been planted earlier and were in full bloom.Courier-Leader photo/Paul Garrod
PPPS seeks public input to advance goals
PAW PAW – Paw Paw Public Schools invites parents/guardians and students to help advance two goals of the PPPS Strategic Plan in the areas of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Creating a Culture of Kindness, Respect, and Safety.1) PPPS parents interested in learning more about and reviewing Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) resources for themselves to come to Read More…
Masonic Lodge donation earmarked for statues
Paw Paw/Lawton Masonic Lodge 25 recently donated $2,400 to the Paw Paw American Legion to provide funding toward the purchase of the major war statues at Maple City Veterans Memorial Park. Making the presentation Memorial Day were four Masonic members, from left, Mendez Holliday, Kevin Nichols, Dave Sage and Adam Shipley.Photo courtesy of the Paw Read More…