Jerry Lou Coder passed away at the age of 79 on July 26, 2022, surround by the Love of his family. A Graduate of Paw Paw High School. He was living in Mayer Arizona. He is preceded in death by his mother Doris, father Edward, brother Lee, sister Sandy, nephew Bruce, nieces Doris and Nancy. Read More…
Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes
Mike’s Musings: Don’t be scam victim
By Mike WilcoxPublisherScammers are everywhere these days, often where you least expect them.I ran into a group a couple nights ago while trying to call Spectrum to fix my internet.Spectrum wants you to make all inquiries online, so they do their best to hide their phone number. I, on the other hand, prefer to talk Read More…
Life as Performance Art
By G.C. Stoppel A recent TV insurance commercial shows an older man trying to help young people not turn into their parents. Good luck with that one. Why run from their attributes and quirks when it gives you instant status as an eccentric?British psychologists wrote a paper not long ago saying on average all of us Read More…
Mike’s Musings-Why the difference in American, European foods?
In America, many of us suffer from a variety of illnesses and medical conditions. Many more of us are overweight and feed on a diet that includes too much junk food and cola. It is a shame that many of us don’t take physical fitness seriously. It is more of a shame that American companies Read More…
Obituary-John R. McNellis
John R. McNellis, 84, of Paw Paw, passed away at his home, Thursday, Jan. 13, 2022. He was born Oct. 15, 1937, in Chicago, the son of John McNellis and Marie (Albart) McNellis.Dick earned his master’s degree from Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. He went to work as a chemist for many years in Kalamazoo. He Read More…
Obituary-Ernest Reshman “Jerry”
Ernest “Jerry” Reshman, 92, of Paw Paw, entered God’s space on Aug. 3, 2022, after a year-long battle with cancer. Born in Chicago, to Ernest and Hazel Reshman, the family of four moved to the Lawton farm in 1945, growing Concord and Welch’s.After graduating from Lawton High School and Great Lakes, he enlisted in the Read More…
Obituary-Sharon Ladaska Warner
Sharon Ladaska Warner, 64, of Decatur, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2022, at Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo.Sharon had a love for the outdoors and animals. With Sharon’s declining health over the years, her hobbies, and activities which she enjoyed, had been placed on hold. Sharon loved to go fishing and working around the yard at Read More…
End of Watch Ride comes to Paw Paw
By Paul GarrodStaff Writer PAW PAW – The End of Watch Ride to Remember, a group of motorcycle riders from the State of Washington escorted a 40-foot trailer to Paw Paw on Wednesday, Aug. 3, where it made a stop at the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office. The trailer honors fallen officers from the prior Read More…
Life as a Performance Art
Mother may not have orig-inated the concept of Cancel Culture half a century ago, but when the occasion called for it she was aces. She did it quietly and judiciously.One time John Birch Socie-ty representative turned up at our door, demanding (not asking) she sign a petition to get chlorine out of our drink-ing water Read More…
Planes crash kills Lawton, Wayland area men
By Paul GarrodStaff Writer SOUTH HAVEN – An airplane reported missing late Tuesday night, Aug. 2, was found early Wednesday morning Aug. 3, near the South Haven Regional Airport, from which it had taken off the day before. Both occupants, a 70-year-old Lawton man and a 70-year-old Wayland man, were deceased, according to a press Read More…