The Downtown Paw Paw Safe Trick or Treating event held on Oct. 31, Halloween, saw downtown Paw Paw businesses offer candy and treats to area youngsters who participated in the event. Mother Nature provided a “trick” of her own early in the form of rain showers, however, it didn’t hamper the youngsters’ spirits as they Read More…
Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes
Obituary: William Richard Imus
William Richard Imus was born in Kalamazoo MI on December 12, 1946, the sixth child of Robert Andrews Imus and Jean Esther (Sikkenga) Imus. He passed at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo on October 24, 2022 after a short illness.Bill graduated from Mattawan High School class of 1965. He worked as a mechanic and service manager Read More…
Board of Education races set for Tuesday
The following is a list of area school board candidates whose names will appear on their respective school district’s ballot in the Nov. 8 election. Bangor Public SchoolsImelda Aparicio, four years.Derek Babcock, four years.Richard Watkins, four years. Bangor Wood School District 8Peggy Harden, four years.Lisa Heimsath, four years.Sharon Myrkle, four years. Bloomingdale Public SchoolsJoshua Odell, Read More…
Reasons to vote? Let me count the ways
By Mike WilcoxPublisherIn some ways the Nov. 8 vote is more important than a presidential election. There are so many local candidates and issues on the ballot. To me, not participating in our elective process is akin to not paying your taxes. It is the right thing to do if we are to have a Read More…
Life as Performance Art
On the 11th of November, a Friday this year, we Americans will pause for a few minutes in observance of Veteran’s Day. We have been doing this for over a century. It is the final patriotic holiday of the year, starting with Memorial Day in May, the Independence Day on the fourth of July, and Veteran’s Day, always on the Read More…
Hartford Twp structure destroyed by fire
By Paul GarrodStaff Writer HARTFORD TWP. – Firefighters from five area fire departments responded to a building fire Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 19, at 3:31 pm, to 49256 County Road 681, Hartford Township, according to a press release from Lawrence Township Emergency Services (LTES).LTES Fire Chief Mike Anchor said initially, the Lawrence Fire Department was called Read More…
Trunk or treating events planned
The Michigan State Police (MSP) Paw Paw post will host an open house, Friday, Oct. 28, from 3 to 6 p.m. on its grounds, 43255 60th Ave., Paw Paw.The event is free to the public. MSP specialty teams will be present to showcase the latest cutting-edge technology and gadgetry used in the performance of their Read More…
Lawton DDA Fall Escapade parade boasts 30 entries
Nearly 30 parade entries took part in the Lawton Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Lawton Fall Escapade Parade, held Sunday, Oct. 23. Prizes were awarded for the best decorated entries. A Snoopy entry by Connie Knapp, took top prize during the afternoon parade that saw the parade time temperature in Lawton at 78 degrees. Participants were Read More…
Post named interim county administrator
Paw Paw – The interim Van Buren County administrator was officially named Van Buren County administrator, following interviews conducted by the Van Buren County Board of Commissioners.Ryan Post, who has worked for Van Buren County for nearly four years as its finance director, was appointed as interim county administrator May 24, following the resignation of Read More…
Mike’s Musings: PAC’s must be limited if our votes are to count
The term “dark money” has become all too familiar to those political watchdogs who assess campaigns at the national level. One could say contributions that come from out-of-state PACs (political action committees) have hijacked our democratic elections.Just look at the amounts of money being poured into states where senatorial and gubernatorial races are close. It Read More…