Clare County Review & Marion Press

Postcard from the Pines: Coming of Age

Every ten years the Federal Census Bureau releases the information contained in a census. Most recently released, 72 years after it was taken, is the US Census of 1950.If you are a family history/genealogy/ancestry geek like I am, you already know that the census is out there, ready for eager eyes. I was especially excited Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: I’m pretty sure spring has sprung…maybe

Well, after a brief peek at the coming summer weather earlier this week, we are back to just a bit cooler – and closer to average – spring temperatures again.Along with just about everyone else in town, we took advantage of that gorgeous 70 degree plus weather, and spent some time enjoying being outside without Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

DPW says concession stand, sidewalk fix will soon be completed

By John RaffelCorrespondent Department of Public Works supervisor Derek Wing said the sidewalk by the Methodist Church needs to be fixed. He added the work on the concession stands at the ballpark has begun and he expects it to be completed before games.It was pointed out there are trees in the park that need to Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Marion schedules clean-up days for May 5,6

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – Discussion took place at the Marion Village Council earlier this month on a resident that has offered money to the village and fire departments.The resident wanted a list of things needed by the Village and Fire Department. Some suggestions for the Village were AED’s, new picnic tables, repairs for pavilions Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Faces in the Crowd: Pastor Mike Leydet

In March of 2020, just days before the COVID pandemic started shutting down much of the country, Pastor Mike Leydet was preparing for his new role as pastor at Tustin’s First Baptist Church.After spending about 20 years in youth ministry in southern Indiana, Mike and his family made the move to the Tustin area in Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Colleges should focus on more practical, less theory

By Mike WilcoxPublisherI read a report a few days ago that lamented the decline in college enrollment in the state of Michigan, and the United States for that matter.Here, Central Michigan University was down nearly 50 percent over the past decade. Western Michigan and other public colleges were down substantially as well. Only U of Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Seniorless Marion softball hopes to compete

by Ben MurphySports Writer A quick glance at the Marion softball team’s roster and one might think they are in for a rebuilding year. The Eagles, who went 18-5 last year and won a district championship should still be in good shape despite not having any seniors.“Considering that we have zero seniors and only two Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

New Farwell softball coach hopes to keep winning tradition

by Ben MurphySports Writer The Farwell softball team had much success under longtime head coach Steve Klinge. Al Esterline, an assistant on last year’s team that went 23-15 believes that the program’s success should continue under his leadership as well.“The girls have been working extremely hard so that they can compete at a high level,” Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Postcard from the Pines: Library Noise

This week has turned into a topsy-turvy one, to say the least. And so, because of an illness in our family, and that takes president over all, I am giving you a Ghost of a memory.Any stories about the M. Alice Chapin Library pull at Marion’s heartstrings. We’ll bet that most former school-kid library patrons Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Obituary: Stewart Leland Dewey

Stewart Leland Dewey: age 63 passed away on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022, at Mid-Michigan Medical Center in Midland. Stewart was born to parents William Arthur and Elva June (Osborn) Dewey on July 27th, 1958, in Midland, Michigan. He married Sharon L. Miller on June 12, 1982, in Clare and together they raised three children. He Read More…