Clare County Review & Marion Press

Obituary: Sherril Dian Smith

Sherril Dian Smith – Age 74 of Farwell, passed away at MyMichigan Medical Center in Midland on Friday, May 13th, 2022. Sherril was born to parents Nathaniel and Lucille (Dorman) Aaron on August 13, 1947, in Sipsey, AL. Following high school, she earned her cosmetology degree and encouraged her sister to do the same. Ultimately, Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Obituary: Edward “Dexter” Hubel

On May 16, 2022 Edward “Dexter” Hubel passed away peacefully on his farm in Clare, Michigan. He lived an adventurous 84 years. Dexter is survived by his wife Judy Hubel; his children Becky Gibbs (Tom), Connie Miller (John), and Edward John Hubel; his grandchildren Jenny Thomas (Pat), Clint Shattuck (Beth), Kelsey Shattuck, Justin Miller (Emma), Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: And so it begins…

The beginning of the summer season is now just one short week away, and it will be over again before we know it.I know, I know, the calendar says summer starts June 21st, but let’s face it, the season really starts with Memorial Day weekend…Clare, Harrison and Coleman will hold graduation ceremonies this weekend and Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Faces in the Crowd: Ashley and John Barron

John and Ashley Barron have seen their fair share of heartache over the years.About 10 years ago, they lost their child, Carter, in a tragic accident. At the same time, their youngest child, Kaiden, was going through multiple surgeries after being born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.But those difficult times have brought the couple closer Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Gas prices sky high in Osceola, Missaukee

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – Gas prices continue to soar locally according to Triple AAs of May 19, the AAA national average was $4.589 per gallon while the state average was $4.579.As of that same day, average gas prices per gallon in area local counties was as follows:$4.567 in Osceola County, $4.587 in Lake County Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Orvis faces felony charges in Marion shooting

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – The Mount Pleasant State Police Post announced in a press release that on Sunday, around 6:45 p.m. it responded to a shooting report on Main Street in the village of Marion.According to published reports, Gabriel Charles Richards, 31, of Marion, was taken to Munson Medical Center in Traverse City where Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Winchester arrested when meth found in vehicle

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – The Michigan State Police post out of Cadillac investigated an incident earlier this month which involved two residents from Osceola County.The report indicates a trooper stopped a vehicle on Wright Street near Leeson Street for not having a registration plate.The driver was a 44-year-old man from LeRoy and did not Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Three people I consider heroes

Elon Musk, Robert Kennedy Junior and Franklin Graham are three people I admire the most. Each is of a different political persuasion. Each has a different mission in life. But all three are doing the best they can to make a positive difference in our world.I was a big fan of Elon Musk, before it Read More…