Clare County Review & Marion Press

Gerald “Junior” (Jerry) Rouston

Gerald “Junior” (Jerry) Rouston – age 96 of Lake, passed away on Sunday June 12, 2022, at Munson Healthcare Grayling. He was born on May 20, 1926, the son of Gerald S. and Angeline Katharine (Schaefer) Rouston in Detroit, Michigan. Jerry proudly served in the United States Navy during WWII on Adak Island in the Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Kathleen M. Anderson

Kathleen M. Anderson, age 65, went home to be with her Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ on June 5, 2022, unexpectedly.  Kathleen was born August12, 1956, the daughter of Rollie H. and Ila Anderson. She graduated fromClare High School in 1974. She graduated from Central MichiganUniversity in 1978, having studied accounting. Kathleen worked atseveral locations in Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Postcard from the Pines: Tea Talk, Iced Please

Well, we asked for it, and we certainly have it. ‘It’ being hot, humid, truly miserable summer weather. And it is just in time for official summer which rolls in at 5:04am on Tuesday, June 21. How can this happen? We just welcomed official spring! How did we get to the middle of the meteorological Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Pat’s Bits and Pieces: Dad’s special day is here!

Father’s Day is Sunday.It is a day of commemoration and a celebration of “Dad.”It is a day to not only honor your father, but all men who have acted as a father figure in your life – whether as Stepfathers, Uncles, Grandfathers, or “Big Brothers.”According to the website, the idea for creating a day Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Two Marion crimes keep Osceola Prosecutor busy

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – Osceola County prosecuting attorney Anthony Badovinac has been very busy in recent weeks.“I am still reviewing police reports on the Pine River hazing activity and Title IV investigation as well as the recent shooting in Marion which apparently involved drug activity,” he said.The Pine River hazing activity reportedly involved varsity Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Prielipp named new Marion superintendent

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION –- Marion Board of Education president Alicia Michell said the new superintendent will take over on July 1 to replace Steve Brimmer, who will be retiring from that position.The board recently appointed high school principal Danyel Prielipp to be superintendent/elementary principal. Brimmer, Michell noted, was the part-time superintendent.“His contract was done Read More…