Pictured here is one of the Allegan Department of Public Works’ 13’ backhoes in front of one small section of one of two 150’ long snow piles at Padgham Field. Snow that is removed from Allegan’s 29 miles of roadways is hauled to the Padgham Field Airport. This pile is from the past few weeks Read More…
Allegan County News & Union Enterprise
Water summit set, butterfly shuts down snowmobile trail
By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN – Allegan County commissioner chairman James Storey said the water study work group, organized by the Board of Commissioners, has been exploring the condition of the county’s underground aquifer with a focus on its quantity and quality.“Using the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds appropriated to the county, the study Read More…
All five county commissioners to seek re-election
By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN – Allegan County’s five commissioners, the Allegan Action team, announced their joint intention to seek re-election to the governing board of Allegan County, board chairman Jim Storey said.Commissioners Scott Beltman, Hopkins; Mark DeYoung, Dorr; Gale Dugan, Otsego; Dean Kapenga, Hamilton, and Jim Storey, Holland, will seek voter approval to continue their Read More…
Life as Performance Art
“America is an exceptional country,” Alexis de Tocqueville wrote after touring the still-young nation in the 1830s. Compared to his native France and other nations in Europe, he found an energy and vibrancy here that provided great opportunities for growth and innovation.De Tocqueville attributed this to parents of our founding fathers placing high emphasis on a classical Read More…
Mike’s Musings: If you are a Michigan football fan, plenty to cheer for
Despite a crushing loss to the 49ers, all Michiganders can me mighty proud of how their professional and collegiate football teams (Michigan State not withstanding) performed this year.Just a few weeks ago the Michigan Wolverines were crowned National Champions. They endured so much drama during their season- sign stealing accusations, and Coach Harbaugh suspended for Read More…
Mike’s Musings: Stem cell injections – so far, so good
Well, I did it. I had a few million stem cells injected into my right knee as an alternative to knee surgery.As many of you know, in a column a few months ago I asked readers whether they had had the surgery and what their experience was. I received more emails and mailed letters than Read More…
Fashion show benefits Sylvia’s Place
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor What’s better than a fashion show?A fashion show that raises money for a good cause, of course.And The Rabbit Boutiques—located at 118 E. Bridge St. in downtown Plainwell—is hosted just such an event with its 2024 Fashion Show on Thursday, Jan. 25.One hundred percent of the proceeds from the show, which Read More…
Dix St. celebrates Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor Students and staff members at Dix Street Elementary in Otsego welcomed some special guests to the school on Thursday, Jan. 11.As part of Dix Street’s third annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day ceremony, five police officers took part in a celebration at the start of the school day.The event had originally been Read More…
Ernstes fills vacancy on OPS Board of Education
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor January is School Board Recognition Month in Michigan.It seems only fitting, then, that Otsego Public Schools should welcome its newest board member during this month.Scott “Rusty” Ernstes was appointed to the OPS Board of Education on Wednesday, Jan. 10, to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of trustee Brian Ouellette.Ernstes Read More…
Otsego girls suffer loss to Lakeshore
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor STEVENSVILLE—With his team playing for the first time in nearly three weeks following Christmas break, Otsego girls basketball coach Tony Koshar knew it might take some time to get into an offensive rhythm.What he wasn’t expecting were struggles on the defensive side of the ball.The Bulldogs allowed at least 11 points Read More…