The Downtown Improvement Project 2023 in Allegan had an anticipated timeline for each Phase of the Project. As Milbocker & Sons complete work on Brady Street, their equipment is tearing up Hubbard Street from Walnut to Locust Streets and Locust Street from Hubbard to Trowbridge. Looking down Brady St. toward Water St. after main infrastructure Read More…
Allegan County News & Union Enterprise
Filling judge vacancies take different paths
By Gari Voss The addition of a new Allegan County Circuit Court Judge, the retirement of 48th Circuit Court Judge Robert Kengis midway through his term, and Family Court Judge Michael Buck completing his tenure offers those wishing to move onto a judge’s bench alternative paths of reaching their goal. With already packed caseloads, conversations Read More…
Life as Performance Art
“Stop using the word ‘re-gret,’” and older woman ad-vised me. “Regret is auseless emotion. You would be bet-ter off dropping it from your vocabulary.”I have come to realize she was right, and charitable too. To regret something means it was in the past. The words were spoken, the ac-tion taken and we can’t go back Read More…
Life lessons for new graduates
One of the great accomplishments one can achieve in their teen years is graduating from high school. Wilcox Newspapers has underscored this achievement by honoring grads in several of our local newspapers. It is a daunting task, but we believe each graduate should be recognized for that achievement.Of course, the big question for all grads, Read More…
Runnin’ in the rain
The middle school cross country teams from Otsego and Plainwell wrapped up the regular-season portion of their schedules with a rainy meet hosted by the Trojans on Monday, May 8. The Otsego boys picked up the 100-28 win, while the Otsego girls won 84-44.Pictured are the runners who participated in the lead leg of the Read More…
Wolverine Conference names Scholar-Athletes
Otsego athletic director John Kubiak (center) is flanked by Wolverine Conference Scholar-Athlete recipients Luke Aldrich (left) and Cooper Smalldon (right). (Photo provided) Ellery Troff (left) and Thai Nguyen were the Wolverine Conference Scholar-Athletes from Plainwell. (Photo provided) By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The Wolverine Conference recently honored two senior student-athletes from each of the league’s eight Read More…
Otsego voters pass emergency services millage
The Otsego Fire Department will have 24/7 coverage beginning July 1 thanks to a millage that was passed by voters. (Photo provided) By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The future direction of the Otsego Fire Department hung in the balance based on the results of a public safety millage vote that took place on Tuesday, May 2.If Read More…
Otsego softball splits games with Gull Lake
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor RICHLAND—After suffering a 5-3 setback in the opening game of a non-league doubleheader against Gull Lake on Monday, May 8, the Otsego softball team bounced back to win game two 9-7 and salvage the split.Audrey Lingbeek went 3-for-5 with two doubles and two RBI to lead the Otsego offense in the Read More…
Allegan golfers win SAC jamboree
By Jason WesseldykSports Editor WATERVLIET—Brandon Katsma shot a team-best 38 to lead the Allegan boys golf team to top honors at the SAC jamboree hosted by Watervliet and held at Paw Paw Lake on Monday, May 8.The Tigers finished with a team score of 168.Logan Locatis followed Katsma with a 42, while Bradley Nichols and Read More…
Obituary: Katie Ann Lange
Katie Ann Lange arrived February 26, 1972, the only child of Tom and Sue Lange, in Allegan, Michigan. Katie died at the age of 51, on April 28, 2023, at Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI.Katie is survived by her Dad, Tom Lange, Allegan, MI, and many adoring cousins.She is preceded in death by her Mom, Read More…