Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Life as Performance Art

Life as Performance ArtGC  Stoppel     Have a thought and take a teaspoon of pity on backyard gardeners this month. This is a difficult and trying time of year for those raising vegetables.  June is full of angst and anxiety for the amateur farmer.  We did not feel it back during a January blizzard when we carefully read through the Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Despite construction,Bridgefest celebration enjoyed by many

Around all the construction in Downtown Allegan, the city celebrated Bridgefest 2023. Locust Street was filled with Community Tents and Arts and Crafts, the Hubbard St. Parking Lot held the Ferris Wheel, Fun House and fantastic food vendors, Trowbridge St. hosted cars of all vintage and models, Hanson Park’s parking lot was filled with Inflatables, Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Council adds two to Historic Commission, investigates violations

By Gari Voss The Allegan City Council received an update from commissions / boards, approved several financial matters, decided to apply for grants, and received an update on the mystery of the water loss.The regular meeting began with a request from the Allegan Area Arts Council to use the Griswold Auditorium’s lower level for Arts Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Allegan County proud of their goose symbol

By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN –- What’s the significance of a goose to the Allegan County Board of Commissioners?Chairman Jim Storey explains.“At the May 25 Board of Commissioners meeting, Rob Sarro, our administrator, introduced new wall clocks for the various buildings the county operates, existing clocks were failing and needed replacing,” Storey said. “The new clocks Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

Mike’s Musings: Far greater problems than classified documents

I’m having a hard time believing that the former president of the United States might go to prison because he kept classified documents at his home in Mar-A-Lago.Isn’t that what all presidents do. I dare you name me one that hasn’t take what he considers his own- whether they be classified or not, home to Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

OHS recognizes top seniors from Class of ‘23

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor Addyson Thomas had no trouble finding ways to stay busy during her time at Otsego High School.In addition to being president of the National Honor Society and treasurer of the Student Council, Thomas also participated in St. Margaret’s youth program, Purple Committee, the VanAndel Institute Ambassador Program, Bulldog Buddies and was Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Plainwell’s Island City Fest offers three days of fun

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The Island City Festival is back in full force.After being cancelled due to COVID in 2020 followed by one-day events the past two years, the festival returns as a multi-day event for 2023.The festivities kicked off today (Thursday, June 8) and will last until Saturday, June 10.The Island City Festival committee Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Otsego Public Schools offers summer meals, reading opportunities

The Otsego Public Schools’ Bulldogs Bookin’ Bus will be making stops on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the summer to provide students in the district with opportunities to check out books. (Photo provided) By Jason WesseldykSports Editor The 2022-23 school year ended today (Thursday, June 8) for students who attend Otsego Public Schools.But the district’s service Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Sports

Otsego places sixth, Allegan takes third at State Finals

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor ANN ARBOR—The Otsego girls tennis team made a little history on Saturday, June 3.Making it to at least the quarterfinals in five flights, the Bulldogs amassed 11 points to finish in a tie for sixth place. Not only did that make Otsego the highest-placing public school, but it also marked the Read More…