Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

OPS school board honors Haase

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor January is School Board Appreciation Month. The first full week of May is Teacher Appreciation Week. There are appreciation days for school employees such as principals, librarians, custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, resource officers and substitute teachers.There is, however, no specific day, week or month to honor school superintendents.That’s why Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

KoalaBots compete at VEX IQ Finals

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor MONROE—After VEX Robotics held its state championships for middle school and high school teams the previous two weeks, it was time for the elementary teams to take center stage.The VEX IQ State Championship took place at Monroe County Community College on Saturday, March 2. And a team sponsored by the Plainwell Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

Life as Performance Art

When my great grandfather and his family settled in southeastern Minnesota, they found part of their homestead had berry bushes, fruit and plum trees.During the growing season they ate their fill. Everything else was dried and preserved for winter. Although no one was interested in buying his surplus plums, people did purchase wine he made Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes LaFayette Sun Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel

Mike’s Musings: Why the U.s. is the best in the world

Despite my rantings about corruption in government, I still believe the United States is the best country in the world. Yes we have our failings, but overall our republic should be at the top of any list.Not so says U.S. News and World Report. They rate the U.S. fifth best in the world. They say Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Otsego seeks development ideas for Elks Lodge

By Aaron MitchellOtsego City Manager The City of Otsego recently has taken possession of the former Elks Lodge located at 113 S. Farmer St. in downtown Otsego.The intent of the acquisition is for the City to retain control of the property going forward given its location adjacent to Otsego City Hall and the Otsego Fire Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

BookshelfBandits winBattle of the Books

A total of 26 teams representing elementary schools in Plainwell, Otsego, Hopkins and Martin participated in the annual Battle of the Books competition at the Plainwell Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Feb. 24.And it was the Bookshelf Bandits from Plainwell’s Cooper Elementary that took home top honors as winners of the Grand Battle.Each “battle” consists Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Plainwell robotics compete at state

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor FLINT—Some of the best high school robotics teams in Michigan converged on Kettering University in Flint on Saturday, Feb. 24, for the VEX Robotics State Championship.That included Blitz, Nuclear Reactors, Pocket Tonk and Black Soul Monsters from the Plainwell Robotics Club.“This was a great experience for our teams,” PRC communications coordinator Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Early voting is sparse in county

By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN – Voting in the presidential primary during the state’s first venture into early voting yielded sparse participation in the county.“The low turnout set off alarm bells for the budgets of local governments that must staff polls with trained, paid workers during the early voting days,” Allegan County Commission chairman James Storey Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise Sports

Martin girls beat Delton to return to winning ways

By Jason WesseldykSports Editor MARTIN—Having dropped six of their previous eight games, members of the Martin girls basketball team were hoping to get back to their winning ways against Delton on Friday, Feb. 23.And the Clippers did just that, shaking off a slow start to secure the 36-23 victory.The win upped Martin’s record to 13-7 Read More…