Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Letter to the Editor: Got a laugh out of picture

Dear Editor:I have to say I laughed and was very surprised that you used the picture of the fair againon 12-16-21. My 90 year old mother realized it was a photoshopped picture the first time you printed it. The man in the red shirt with white letters makes it easy to figure out. I hope Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Letter to the Editor: Jordan is no Swift

Editor,It didn’t take long for publisher Mike Wilcox’s son, Jordan, to catch blow back from his essay advocating universal gun ownership as a solution to gun violence.Of course, it’s a silly idea but I wonder if that might have been the intent.The kid is in college and I think that maybe in an English lit Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Dean Perry “Gooch” Balgoyen

Dean Perry “Gooch” Balgoyen, 56, of Allegan, MI passed away Saturday,December 25, 2021. Born May 18, 1965 in Plainwell, he was the son of the lateDean Peter Balgoyen and Ruthie (Harrington) Balgoyen and was the husband ofBarbara (Smith) Balgoyen. Perry had a gift for fixing small engines and boatmotors, rarely did he find one he Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Alice M. Johnson

Alice M. Johnson passed away Thursday, December 30, 2021 at her home. Shewas born May 24, 1956 in Allegan; the daughter of the late Robert and Robenia(Burson) Johnson. The youngest of nine children, Alice was often referred to asthe “Baby”. She was a 1974 Allegan High School graduate. She had beenemployed at Hoffman Paper Products, Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Mary J. Knapp, 78

Mary J. Knapp passed away on December 27, 2021, at the age of 78. She was bornon November 24, 1943, to Orville and Beverly (Dewey) Hockett. Mary is survivedby her daughter Susan Knapp; her daughter-in-law Kelli Knapp; stepsons, AndyHitchcock, and Steve Hitchcock; her sister Brenda (Ron) Hershberger; hergrandchildren Heather (David) Stine, Erika Bowen, Andrea Guthrie, Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

William Carl Stuenkel, 74

William Carl (Bill) Stuenkel, age 74, of Hollywood FL, passed away on November 25, 2021.Bill Stuenkel was born on December 10th, 1946, in Allegan, Michigan. He graduated from Michigan State University as a Civil Engineer. He worked for American Bridge a division of U.S. Steel. He built dozens of bridges across the United States including Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

COVID cases, deaths continue to mount in county

By John RaffelCorrespondent ALLEGAN — The number of COVID-19 cases in Allegan County posted by health department officials coming into this week was up to 20,764. Deaths rose by eight from a week ago to 280.Governor Whitmer announced in June restrictions would be lifted as COVID numbers were going down and vaccination numbers were going Read More…

Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Congregational Kitchen addresses hunger in five counties

By Gari VossCorrespondent The food ministry began as a desire to extend a hand to those in need, and has grown from a church kitchen to a distribution center that not only supplies food for the Congregation Kitchen dinners each Thursday, but distributes food to 30 food pantries across five counties, and fills about 400 Read More…