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Bring back Civics classes, initiate term limits

I fear for our democracy. My fear is rooted in the fact that most citizens don’t really care about what is happening at their federal, state and local governments. Only fifty percent of us bother to vote, and once the vote is complete, we forget that part of our civic duty is to play watchdog over those we elected.
Have you ever watched TV commentators take to the streets and ask ordinary citizens simple question like “Who was the first president of the United States?” I’m appalled that many cannot answer let alone know who their current stare representative is.
Uninformed and ignorant citizens will be our downfall. It was the downfall of Germany when they democratically elected Adolph Hitler, and it may be the downfall of America. You see politicians and big government are left unchecked when citizens have no interest in what they are doing thus they can consolidate power and rule dictatorially versus democratically.
I blame much of this blaise attitude on Civics courses, or the lack thereof. Back in the day, Civics was a required course in high school. You were taught about government, voting, and how it was important to exercise your rights as a citizen. Along the way, Civics courses were eliminated, and our children are not being taught these important lessons.
Like reading, writing and arithmetic, Civics needs to be taught. Without these important lessons, a democratic government, will be less and less meaningful in our lives. We must preserve, not destroy our freedoms.
Secondly, I pray that someday Congress will have the fortitude to initiate term limits. Presidents, governors, and state legislators all must abide by term limits- BUT not Congress. That makes no sense.
The fact that our leaders in Congress have been in the Washington DC bubble for 30, or 40 or some even fifty years has allowed those old fogies to consolidate power amongst themselves. We have a president, speaker, committee chairs that are approaching 80, or are in their 80’s age wise. Do you think they have a clue about the structures ordinary citizens like you and I must face?
Heck most of them don’t drive, purchase food or deal with housing costs. Because our leaders come from safe congressional districts, meaning they are elected year after year by wide margins, and the great majority of those districts are on the east or west coast, they share no common values or life struggles that we face in the Midwest and South.
Term limits would eliminate the isolation the Washington DC bubble provides. Members of Congress would only have 8 or 12 years to represent their constituents. Leaders would be fresh and not retreads. Leaders would be chosen based on qualifications and not seniority. Safe districts, largely in cities, would no longer play a much more important role than their counterparts in rural areas. Power would be decentralized.
Don’t hold your breath, however. Those in the bubble feed on the power that comes their way. They will not give it up easily and they certainly will not term limit themselves.
As citizens we must become more involved. Know the issues we face. Tell your elected representatives how you feel, and for Pete sakes, vote this year and beyond.