News Three Rivers Commercial-News, Penny Saver, & Sturgis Sentinel Back-To-School 2023! Posted on August 25, 2023August 25, 2023 Author Jordan WilcoxComment(0) 1129 Views COMMERCIAL-NEWS | ROBERT TOMLINSONKindergarteners at Norton Elementary School in Three Rivers, led in part by teacher Kim Ruth (back, center) make hearts with their hands to remember what shape of an object they were looking for during a scavenger hunt throughout the building during the first day of school Tuesday. Tuesday was a half-day for students throughout Three Rivers Community Schools. Students from Kaylee Frye’s kindergarten class at Park Elementary in Three Rivers listen to a book being read to them by their teacher on the first day of school Tuesday. Fourth-grade students at Andrews Elementary in Three Rivers, along with comfort dog Lilo, get ready to head back to class in the final hour of the first day of school Tuesday. Fourth grade students at Norton Elementary try to figure out which team of students had the longer paper chain during an activity on the first day of school Tuesday. Students were assigned to groups, a way to help build their teamwork skills.