Clare County Review & Marion Press

May I Walk With You? Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas again! It seems like only yesterday that we celebrated this wonderful season last year. Wow! A lot has changed since this time last year. Schools were closed and kids went to school at home. When schools opened, some chose to remain home. COVID-19 made many of us sick and most of us got Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: More gun control, not more guns

Dear Editor:Thank you for mentioning European countries in your research, specifically Switzerland. I think that we can learn and adopt many solutions for our political issues from a well-established socialist country. Gun control is one of them. The reason why Switzerland has one of the highest rates of gun ownership, yet few mass shootings have Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor-Gun column is dangerous perspective

Dear Mike,Your son did not offer a “unique perspective” as you described it on gun violence. He offered the same old worn out talking points that those on the right use time and time again to allow the increased availability in gun ownership. it’s a dangerous perspective. what we need is gun control, not an Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Postcard from the Pines: Making Memories

We are spending Christmas in a new place, both mentally and geographically. We are looking forward to life in this new place with great anticipation. We can’t wait to add to those family memories.For the first eight or nine years of my life, Christmas was celebrated in the same way We spent Christmas Eve with Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Missaukee receives projected revenue loss

By John RaffelCorrespondent MCBAIN – Connie Underhill, of Baird Cotter Bishop, was at last week’s Missaukee County Board of Commissioner meeting and reviewed the report she prepared regarding Missaukee County’s revenue loss calculation during the Covid-19 pandemic, as required for the American Rescue Plan Act funds reporting.Underhill reported the total projected revenue loss for the Read More…