Clare County Review & Marion Press

Faces in the Crowd: Advice for 2022

“What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?”That’s a common question we ask in our conversations for Faces in the Crowd. And with each response, we learn something new.With 2022 and our new year’s resolutions now upon us, we look back at some of the best advice our interviewees had to offer in 2021.Troy Finstrom Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Rollover due to bad weather

A vehicle traveling too fast for conditions may have caused a vehicle to roll into the median Thursday morning, Clare Fire Chief Jim Chapman said.The Clare Fire Department was called to the scene on north bound U.S. 127 at mile maarker 164 around 10:40 a.m. Thursday. Another vehicle , possibly trying to avoid the first, Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: More Small Town memories

Mike,Truly enjoyed your column about small towns.  My years may predate you a bit but I can take some of those memories to a next level.I well remember the parties at the gravel pits, but the real bonanza was when a buddy got the key to his dad’s hunting cabin out in the woods near Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: Driving conditions hazardous, watch out for wildlife this winter

Dear Editor:The next couple of months roads will be full of ice and snow, making driving conditions dangerous. While there is little we can do to stop weather related accidents, there is a source of accidents we can do something about: collisions with wildlife. Every year millions of Americans hit wildlife on our roadways. Michigan ranks Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: A New Year’s Resolution

Dear Editor,With Christmas and Hanukkah behind us, we look forward to the new year and New Year’s resolutions: to step away from social media, lose some weight, and, perhaps, to go vegan. Yes, that.A third of consumers report reducing consumption of animal foods. Hundreds of college campuses, schools, hospitals. and corporate cafeterias have embraced Meatless Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: Gun Control column ‘on spot’

Dear editor,Mike your son’s editorial was spot on. Henry Kenn and Sue Mackey don’t have a clue what they are talking about.Gun control is, having a steady hand as you press the trigger! What they are referring to when they use the term, gun control, is actually, people control!Gun are inanimate objects. They just lie Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: Here’s what “being pro-life” means

Dear Editor:49 years ago, the Supreme Court made one of their most influential and controversial decisions to date, legalizing abortion in all fifty states in Roe v. Wade.The debate still continues among Americans today: are you pro-life or pro-choice?“As believers,” we consider ourselves to be pro-life. To be content with the murder of lives forming Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Letter to the Editor: Response to gun control column

Editor,It didn’t take long for publisher Mike Wilcox’s son, Jordan, to catch blow back from his essay advocating universal gun ownership as a solution to gun violence.Of course, it’s a silly idea but I wonder if that might have been the intent.The kid is in college and I think that maybe in an English lit Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

New fire pumper truck to arrive in Clare this week

By Pat MaurerCorrespondent Clare Fire Department is getting a new fire engine (pumper) this week. Clare Fire Chief Jim Chapman said the new truck, which was ordered last January, has been being built. The truck chassis was built in Charlotte and then taken to Sioux Falls, South Dakota where the fire apparatus portion was built Read More…

Clare County Review & Marion Press

Turner elected vice-chair of Osceola commission

By John RaffelCorrespondent MARION – Osceola County commissioner David Turner, of Marion, was elected vice chairman of the Board of Commissioners at its organizational meeting on Tuesday.He will serve a one-year term as vice chairman, replacing Roger Elkins of Evart. Mark Gregory, of LeRoy, is serving a two-year term as chairman.Turner was elected to the Read More…