By Bill MullalyContributing Writer The huge battle on Wednesday night between Big 8 Conference rivals Springport and Concordwas a crucial mid-season contest played in the Yellowjacket home gym. The game was postponed oneday due to the bitter cold weather in the area that canceled school for both teams. The two local rivalsfinally got going in Read More…
Author: Jordan Wilcox
Library parking issue a challenge in Concord
By Ken WyattContributing Writer Concord’s gift of its 1901 opera house to the county library system is causing a new round ofparking issues in the village. The matter has come up at the last two meetings of the Concord Village Council. As villageofficials reported, the Concord branch manager of the Jackson District Library started restricting Read More…
Area struck by extreme cold temperatures with rest of nation
All photos by Sylvia Benavidez By Sylvia BenavidezContributing Writer The City of Albion and Marshall both announced a snow emergency for Friday, Jan. 12 at 8 p.m.through Sunday, Jan. 14 at 8 a.m. Parking on the streets in Albion was only allowed for quick stops forbusinesses downtown. By Saturday U.S. National Weather Service reported snow Read More…
Overall new year goals lack measurements and benchmarks for success for Albion’s EDC board and president/CEO
By Sylvia BenavidezContributing Writer Board members Ben Wallace, Victoria Garcia Snyder, Vicky Clark, and Chair Jerome Harveywere at the first Albion Economic Development Corporation board meeting of the new year. During theEDC president and CEO’s report, interim Virgie Ammerman reviewed the EDC goals for the next fiveyears, EDC Multicultural 10-Point Plan Goals, and competencies for Read More…
Boys’ Basketball RoundupMassive second half leads TR over Buchanan
BUCHANAN — Three Rivers’ boys’ basketball team came back from being down by 13 points to squeak by Buchanan in a non-conference tilt Thursday, Jan. 11, by a final of 39-36.The Wildcats were down 10-5 exiting the first quarter, eventually being down 18-5 against the Bucks at the half. However, a 17-point third quarter and Read More…
Girls’ Basketball RoundupTuesday TR game vs. Plainwell cancelled due to weather
PLAINWELL — Three Rivers’ girls’ basketball game originally scheduled for Tuesday against Plainwell was cancelled Tuesday morning due to weather conditions.The Wildcats are anticipated to return to action Friday against Sturgis at home. Vicksburg runs by Sturgis; Trojans lose by 30 to OtsegoVICKSBURG — The Lady Trojans ran into a tough Vicksburg squad last week Read More…
Obituary: Lorene Patricia (Gerado) Eldridge
Lorene Patricia (Gerado) Eldridge, age 95, went to the Lord on December 12th, 2023, at the Center for Hospice Care in Elkhart, Indiana, after a 12-day illness.Pat was born in Sturgis, Michigan on April 24th, 1928, to the very late William J. and Theresa (Proctor) Gerardo. She grew up working in the family grocery store Read More…
Obituary: Paul Anson Noecker
Paul Anson Noecker, 48, died August 31, 2022, in Cebu City, Philippines, where he had lived since 2016.Paul was born May 12, 1974, to James Paul and Audra Kay (Blood) Noecker in Sturgis.In infancy, he acquired the nickname “Moose†which would remain attached to him the rest of his life because at age six months, Read More…
The Cycles of the Earth
by Larry-Michael and Becky Lynn Hackenberg A Weekly Almanac GuidePlan, Do, Finish, Rest.Living in Harmony With EarthWeekend ofJanuary 20-21, 2024 Earth-Sun-Moon NotesIn A Nutshell…First Quarter/Planning Moon occurred January 17 at 10:53 p.m. EST. First Quarter means the Moon is one quarter of the way around the Earth in its orbit, which we see as half Read More…
“Out and About” Cannabis, moderation, and winter safety
You don’t need to travel far to find a “Pot Shop”. It’s legal to use cannabis here in Michigan and several other states, although the Federal Government doesn’t agree. The state feels that it is another way of gathering taxes. As a result, our schools and roads will benefit.Smoking cannabis, like regular smoking is not Read More…