Allegan County News & Union Enterprise News

Allegan County Fair 2023 encounters some ups and downs

By Gari Voss

Friday, September 8, 2023, the Allegan County Fair opened to a crowd on the Midway, in the barns and buildings, and on the Grandstand. Jake Owens and Jamison Rodgers drew a full house that enjoyed the music and conversation.
Saturday, Sept. 9th began with crowded barns and buildings along with carnival goers enjoying the rides on the Midway. The grandstand again filled for the evening show featuring Nelly and Trea Landon. The crowd grew as did the anticipation, but the show did not begin at 7pm or 8pm or 9pm. It was 9:30pm when the announcement was made that the show was canceled. The headliner’s flight could not take off because of inclement weather.
Security hustled, adjustments were made in exhibition buildings, and the crowd filtered out – many to their cars and others to the Midway for food and/or rides. Extra law enforcement was called in to calm concert-goers as they left the Grandstand area.
Sunday, Sept. 10th was a perfect fair day with parking areas filling fast y noon, and people milling through barns to see their favorite animals, to the Flats for the horse show, to the Children’s Area to watch the Disc-Connected K9’s perform, to the industrial, agricultural and home economic buildings, to the Youth Building watch Show Us Your Talent, and the Off-Road Derby.
The weather caught up with the festivities on Monday as showers began in the morning and put a cloud over the Fair Parade. With the cancellation of the Parade, many fair goers stayed away hoping for a sunnier day on Tuesday. The decision was made to close the Fair for the evening, so by 7pm, the buildings were locked, and people had an evening away from Fair activities.
There is still a lot to enjoy at the Fair.
Wednesday, Sept. 13th is Ladies Day and after a morning for the ladies, the Youth Livestock Auction will bring buyers, and the excitement will end at the Grandstand with the Tractor Pulls.
Thursday, Sept. 14th is Veterans Day and military confirmation allows free admission and during the day will be a variety of showing classes for horses, dogs and beef. The Grandstand will showcase the comedy of Steve Trevino.
Friday, Sept. 15th, Show Us Your Talent will feature the finalists and select the winner. The Grandstand show will be Riley Green with Drake Milligan.
Saturday, Sept 16th will bring the bitter/sweet last day of the Fair. The day begins with the English Horse Show down on the flats and ends with the State Championship Demolition Derby.
For Fair lovers, the good-bye to the activities and carnival rides will be sad. For the many building booth workers, Fair employees who have been working long hours, and others who have kept everyone fed and hydrated and safe, there will be some days of rest. That is until the arrival of the 172nd Allegan County in September 2023.