Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Adams facing prison

By Pat Maurer

Jeremy Scott Adams, 46 of Harrison is facing up to five years in prison for threatening the life of a Clare County Judge, the Judge’s wife and his own neighbor on social media last spring.
Adams pled guilty in U.S. District Court – Eastern District in Bay City Monday, March 20 to one count of using the internet to communicate an interstate threat to kill or injure. The charge also carries up to $250,000 in fines and three years of supervised release after his sentence is served.
A second count of using the internet to make a threat to kill or injure was dismissed as part of the plea deal by U.S. Attorney Timothy M. Turkelson.
Adams was arrested last June after posts made by him in May were investigated by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) for “serious online threats” against his neighbor and later against Circuit Court Judge Roy Mienk and his wife.
FBI Special Agent Scott Engleby said in a court affidavit last June that “Adams, using the online Twitter name ‘@REnegHumanoid’ made threatening communication through the use of the internet.”
The Twitter site was also connected to a Reddit post under the name ‘u/rhnegativehumanoid.’
A review of Adam’s Twitter page last June identified his neighbor as the first to be targeted in Adam’s posts. Both Adams and Kenneth Koch live on Stockwell Road across from each other, according to the affidavit.
Adams had posted the following threat against his neighbor and family, “You, your husband, your father and mother and both of your bad children have all participated in my torture and manipulation. Again, YOU are THE KEY to making one upper Kochsr feel pain!”
Adam’s Twitter post continued, saying he was a “captive and prisoner,” and “I’ve had enough of your mother fb s*t and plan to start shooting those who have been keeping me captive… 
Adams claimed the neighbors had made him “a prisoner in his own home,”
His Twitter post said, “As a captive and prisoner, I’ve had enough of your mother fs st and plan to start shooting those who have been keeping me captive…I have every right to defend myself from my torturers who have held me captive in my own home and manipulated my environment for rank advancement in MC clubs and financial gain for six fg years.” He wrote, “If there is an open opportunity to kill oppressors, I am going to take it. I’ve had enough and I’m going to expose every one of you mother fs.”
Koch told investigators he and his neighbor Jeremy Adams were “not on good terms.”
The affidavit said [The] “Clare County Sheriff was contacted concerning the matter and they informed the FBI that Adams and Koch have had an ongoing neighbor dispute.
Adams continued his online rant, posting, “I do not condone hunting and murdering judges…except the dishonorable Judge Mench. I am going to kill that corrupt piece of sh, racist mr fg judge for his participation in my torture and manipulation.” He said, “I am going to make him watch me slice his wife up, put her through the meat grinder and make G* d
d pasties out of her… He abused his power, I am going to take his life gladly.” The “Judge Mench” Adams referred to was not in the State Bar Directory, and was actually Judge Roy Mienk, of the 55th Circuit Court for Clare County. Judge Mienk, when contacted, told the FBI he had denied a personal protective order that Adams had applied for in the past.” Concluding his posts, Adams wrote, “I will do my best to give you at least until July 4 to figure out how to extract me or I’ll take the nuclear option and involve the Secret Service. I do not want that charge on me but I need an exit and that’s my last option. I’m tired of being prisoner to racist f
Adams, in an unused Facebook account, had posted the intro: “I am me and you ALL hate me!”
Special Agent Engleby said at the end of his affidavit last spring, “Affiant therefore has probable cause to believe that Adams has knowingly sent messages on Twitter, a social media platform in or affecting interstate commerce, which contain(s) a true threat to kill or injure another person.” He concluded, “Based upon the above information I respectfully submit that there is probable cause to believe that Jeremy Adams committed the offense of …Interstate Communications containing a threat to injure the person of another.”
Adams has been in federal custody since his arrest June 26th. He is scheduled to be sentenced in the Bay City courtroom of U.S. District Judge Thomas L. Ludington at 3 pm on July 13th.

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