Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Area women’s group raises money for Lawrence Band Boosters

From left, Grace Gant, 100 Women Who Care; Ann Richmond, Lawrence High School band director; Tina Zapata, Lawrence Band Boosters president, and Krystal Seibert, 100 Women Who Care.

100+ Women Who Care of Van Buren County in less than one hour raised $8,500 for musical instruments for the Lawrence Band Boosters. Tina Zapata, Lawrence Band Boosters president, who gave a presentation before the group, said many of the band-owned instruments are over 40 years old. “At this point, we hope to purchase a bass clarinet, three-quarter size tuba and a full tuba,” said Zapata. The cost of those three instruments will be approximately $10,250, according to Zapata.

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