Saugatuck/Douglas Commercial Record

City petitioners claim power abuse

By Scott Sullivan
Saugatuck’s old vs. new guard may have been showing in an 84-signature petition calling for city council to rectify an abuse of power submitted Sept. 22 for inclusion in Monday’s meeting agenda packet.
Signers include three candidates running for council Nov. 8, three ex-mayors, an ex-city clerk and planning commission chair plus more, who claim current Mayor Garnet Lewis June 22 “proposed two appointees — one to the planning commission and at least one to the zoning board of appeals — without benefit of any interview with benefit of any interview with commission/board chairs or the then-serving city staff zoning administrator.”
This, the petition claims, violates Saugatuck’s Boards-Commissions Selection Policy passed by council March 11, 2020. Resolution No. 200322-B states “The Mayor or his-her designee, a representative from the body which has the vacancy (typically the chair or vice chair based on availability) and a city staff member shall review applications, interview applicants and recommend a candidate to the mayor.”
Lewis Monday apologized for her misinterpretation of the ordinance. City attorney Jacob Witte said despite that the appointments comply with Michigan law hence cannot be invalidated. City manager Ryan Heise apologized also for his role in it.
At their special meeting June 22 this year, council approved the appointments — Mark LaChey to the planning commission, moving 13-year member Richard Crawford to the ZBA — by 7-0 votes. Russ Gardner agreed but asked what compelling reason there was to move longtime resident and PC veteran Crawford to the ZBA, which meets less often.
“Why not appoint Mr. LaChey to the ZBA opening?”asked Gardner. “Going forward, a good collaborative and transparent approach would be to talk first with respective board and commission chairs.”
Last week’s petition signees included former mayors Jane Verplank and Catherine Simon, plus Gregory Muncey — all council candidates for four open two-year seats Nov. 8. Also running are incumbents Scott Dean and Lauren Stanton, plus newcomers Helen Baldwin and Mark Miller, whose four names appear together on many yard signs.
Among other complainants were former mayors Bill Hess and Chris Peterson, ex-clerk Erin Wilkinson and planning chair Dan Fox.

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