LaFayette Sun

Council proclaims September as Cervical Cancer month

By John Brice

The City Council met on August 29th of 2022 at the Farmer’s Federation branch location in the ALFA building in LaFayette. In attendance were Mayor Kenneth Vines along with council members Terry G. Mangram, David Ennis, Toney B. Thomas, Michael C. Ellis and Tammie B. Williams. Police Chief George Rampey, Fire Chief James Doody and Superintendent George Green were also present along with other city employees, scheduled speakers and other citizens.
The meeting began with prayers and formalities such as roll call. First up to speak about cervical cancer awareness was Mrs. Linda Parker and Dr. Kerri Bevis from The Spencer Cancer Center. Mrs. Parker is a registered nurse and Dr. Bevis is an OB/GYN oncological surgeon both working at that practice. In her remarks, Parker recounted her appreciation for the life that she enjoys as a resident of LaFayette having moved there from her hometown of Valley. She thanked City Clerk Louis T. Davidson for assisting her with placing teal ribbons in downtown LaFayette in honor of cervical cancer awareness. In introducing her colleague to those attending Parker described the fantastic qualities that she has observed in Dr. Bevis while working alongside her. She emphasized the wonderful touch she has with treating patients, who often call her Kerri or Miss Kerri.
Dr. Bevis then addressed the crowd and humorously expressed her pleasure at correctly pronouncing LaFayette with two syllables according to local custom instead of three syllables which could be considered a faux pas by longtime residents. In her remarks she brought attention to the importance of raising awareness of cervical cancer which is particularly important for Chambers County due to above average incidences there according to statistics that she cited. After she had finished her address Bevis and Parker were joined by Mayor Vines near the guest podium to announce that the City of LaFayette was issuing a proclamation declaring that September would be cervical cancer awareness month and stood with them for photos.
Next up to speak was Ms. Adrian Holloway representing the Christmas Committee for LaFayette. She stated that the city’s Christmas parade would take place on December 11th this year. Among the topics covered by her was the need for at least $3,750 in funds needed to repeat the same decorating and holiday activities as last year without any new additions to their plans or without replacing a Christmas tree in the courthouse that was in need of retirement. In a formal written proposal submitted by the committee to the council there was a request for $5,000 in funds to go above and beyond the previous year which was in turn approved unanimously by the council members in a vote on that motion.
Other subjects touched upon at the meeting were the city’s need to purchase a truck with brush loader for the Street, Sanitation, and Cemetery Department, the Home Energy Supplier Agreement for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and a brief discussion of the need for $15,000 in additional funding from Chambers County for ambulance services provided by LaFayette both within and outside its city limits. Not longer after the council went into executive session at which point the guests who made up the audience stepped outside to leave.

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