LaFayette Sun

Chambers cheerleaders attend UCA camp

Varsity CaptionL Chambers Varsity Cheerleaders Bottom Row: Co-Captain Baeda McClellan, Gabby Lamb, Jordan Miles, Makinlea Foster
Top Row: Sarah McClellan, Haley Yarbrough, Harrisyn Reames, Captain Tyane Anthony, and Kenzley Yarbrough
Photo By Emily Milford

By Katie McElvy
The Chambers Academy JV and Varsity Cheerleaders recently attended cheer camp
hosted by the Universal Cheerleaders Association at Troy University. Forty-four teams all from
AISA member schools spent the week learning cheers, chants, dances and stunts all in
preparation of the upcoming football and basketball seasons.

In addition to learning and perfecting new material, cheerleaders were also evaluated on routines each day and participated in nightly competitions. The varsity squad walked away with all excellent and superior ribbons for their evaluations while the JV team received all superior ribbons for evaluations.

One of the most anticipated competitions of camp is always the jump off. This year was
no different with 84 girls competing in the JV division and 92 in the varsity division. For Chambers Varsity, both Kenzley Yarborough and Makinlea Foster won their first round of
competition. In the JV division, Talley Carter won the first two rounds placing her in the finals. She was not chosen as the overall winner, but as one of the remaining finalists, her jumping skills placed her in the top 7% of those in the JV competition.

On the third day of camp, six members from each squad tried out for UCA All-American.
In order to be selected for this prestigious honor, cheerleaders must make a minimum score on
jumps, cheer, and dance skills. Those selected are announced on the final day of camp.

Camp closes with two competitions. The first is a camp dance competition where teams
must perform a dance learned that week and incorporate a stunt sequence. The second
competition is the Game Day Competition featuring a band chant, sideline, and cheer. Both the
JV and Varsity teams received trophies for their camp dance performance. Cate Allen, Talley
Carter, Kayla Howard, Anna Kate Jackson, and MeLeah Tigner were all chosen as UCA All-
Americans from the JV squad while Gabby Lamb, Jordan Miles, Harrisyn Reames, Haley
Yarbrough, and Kenzley Yarbrough were chosen as UCA All-Americans from the varsity team.

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