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Make every day count

We all need to spend today and the rest of our lives more wisely. With inflation at a 40-year high, we are all having to spend our hard-earned paychecks with care. Life is the same. We have less life today than yesterday. We are all clueless to how much life we actually have left to spend. Even if we have a lot of life left there is no guarantee of the quality of our remaining lives.
Being able to walk, talk, breathe, see, hear and mentally function are all incredible gifts. We must take care of what we have and even then, life changes beyond our control. We are all susceptible to injuries or diseases that can diminish the quality and end our lives. 
Spend time with the people you care about. At least call them on the phone and visit as often as you can. Personally I am guilty of failing to keep in touch with friends and family. I blame my obsession with work. Shame on me and I’m telling you all I promise to do better. I hope you will too.
We can all think of people who have departed this life who we miss. I miss my mom and dad. They departed way too early. The only time you have people for sure is today so we needed to keep in touch.
Consider what you really need to make you happy. How much stuff does it take?  We spend life accumulating and storing up. Eventually we have to figure out what to do with all our stuff. Do we give it away or leave it for someone else to worry about?
If you are in your twilight years it might be wise to divvy that stuff out now. Saddling your sons and daughters with having to get rid of it after your death would probably be a burden.
There are aspects of life that we have to do and some that we enjoy doing. If we can squeeze in some of the enjoyable then life is a lot more fun. Often what we enjoy in life is not the exotic or chaotic but often simple routines we do all the time. Walking, riding a bike, mowing the lawn are all simple tasks I enjoy, and you probably do as well.
Continue to invest in yourself. Take a class, learn a new hobby, and make a new friend. We need the old friends and a few new friends. Old friends often keep us grounded while new friends bring new thoughts and ideas. 
Continue to cultivate your faith and the spiritual side of your life. Your life is more than flesh and blood. Being at peace with God and yourself can only make your life feel more meaningful and level. 
 Life is flying by. Find time to drink a glass of lemonade and sit on the porch. Be sure to savor that morning cup of coffee. Or if you are like me, the morning cup is more like three cups.Take a walk or ride by your favorite lake or stream. Have a scoop of ice cream.
You may or may not have less money but we all have one less day. Make today a good one! Make next week a good one, as well as next month and year! You will be the wiser for doing so.

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