Allegan County News & Union Enterprise

Area volunteers celebrated during Volunteer week

By Gari Voss

National Volunteer Week 2022 runs from April 17 through April 23, 2022. Faith-based, nonprofit, national service, military service and community organizations depend on selfless individuals to carry out the goals of each organization. The concept originated in Canada in the 1940s and spread internationally. In 1974, the U.S. embraced volunteers, and a week was dedicated to thank volunteers and coordinate activities and projects so people could value volunteerism, or learn more about volunteer opportunities in their communities.
When volunteering is mentioned, thoughts go to the American Red Cross where volunteers make up about 90% of the workforce or to local firefighters and first responders. But, in truth, a majority of volunteers can be found in organizations of all types – a grandmother or grandfather reads to students, a person who sorts and hangs clothing for a local clothing bank, individuals who prepare and serve food for the homeless, a person who drives others to doctor appointments, and the list goes on.
On April 15, 2022, President Joseph Biden signed a Proclamation on National Volunteer Week 2022. The Proclamation stresses the giving spirit of Americans who “give their love and labor to care for seniors, help communities rebuild after disasters, support veterans and military families, tackle climate change, guide and mentor our youth, serve and strengthen the democratic process, feed the hungry, and keep communities healthy and safe.”
In March 2022, the Allegan County United Way encouraged groups, organizations and individuals to nominate Volunteer Stars who have shone their lights through their actions. The actions do not require affecting a large population but can be for assisting a single individual, the environment or a specific purpose.
The Allegan County United Way received 52 nominations for Volunteer Stars across the county. The individual and group volunteers were acknowledged for time and talents given to schools, nonprofit organizations, veteran groups, public services and religious organizations.
Highlighting a few of the education nominees:
Kris McGorman’s Class at Hillside Young Adult Campus teamed with the Great Start Collaborative Prenatal/Perinatal Work Committee in February 2022 to assemble, box, and distribute 250 “New Mommy Kits” to Great Start Collaborative Partners throughout Allegan County!
At Glenn School, Cate Rutter and Angelina Boyles coach the Total Trek Quest team, a male version of Girls on the Run. “Cate manages the recruitment and registration of our participants and takes the lead in coaching. Angel, who is also a volunteer fireperson, encourages the boys, always has a hug, an encouraging word and or a cheer for each boy [through conditioning and running the 5K].”
Beyond Bones Volunteers guide and coach bakers who prepare and package dog treats then sell their products at farmers markets. “The Arc’s Beyond Bone volunteer group is a critical part of the baker’s success! Their assistance and coaching teach the bakers on the job skills that help them to be successful in their current roles producing treats plus in expanding those skillsets that may benefit the individual in future employment opportunities.”
Volunteers assisting local organizations include:
The Friends of the Allegan District Library who kept library fundraising vibrant through and after the pandemic disruptions. “When the volunteers did come back, they did so with gusto! Throughout the ups and downs of the pandemic, the eager volunteers continued to support the Allegan District Library with donation drives and book sales under ever changing health and safety protocols.”
The Positive Options Volunteer Team, 2 men and 9 women, walk individuals through life’s challenges and crises. “This year, we watched our volunteers work two jobs to make sure our community was informed, educated, and connected to other services when they needed assistance we couldn’t provide. Our volunteers bless our community and organization beyond words!”
Sandy and Dave Smith have given time to Paws With A Cause. After raising four puppies, they became a Breeding Host Home. Recently, Sandy has become a docent and will give tours of the facility. “Sandy is an extremely knowledgeable and highly trusted volunteer, whom we can ‘go to’ for any of our needs, and our organization would not be the same without her passion and dedication.”
Those supporting special public services:
Barb Weaver was nominated by Wings Home for sharing over 3000 hours of service across 11 years. Her tasks include welcoming patients and families, assisting patients with personal needs, and even preparing medical charts. “She does all these things with loving care, encouraging support, and a warm smile. Thanks to Barb, and other volunteers like her, the Wings Home is able to continue serving our community.”
Sylvia’s Place recognized Leslie and Patrick Ballard along with Christine Groen. The Ballards step-up whenever needed from picking up and dropping off donations, to painting and welding, to assisting with event marketing and general event support (like wrapping gifts and assisting outreach efforts).” Christine works at the domestic violence survivor shelter to create the “library into a welcoming, organized space for our clients to check out books.”
Alison Sackley and Bart Shaw are involved with the Allegan County Legal Assistance Center (ACLAC) Board of Directors. “Alison makes a difference with the ACLAC both organizationally and with its day-to-day commitment to provide free legal assistance… The first volunteer who opened the ACLAC was Bart Shaw who provides legal assistance free of charge. Since the opening date on July 31, 2012, over 22,000 Allegan County residents have received free legal assistance provided by staff, interns, and volunteers.”
The Otsego Police Department was nominated for their involvement in Handle With Care Notification that ensures students are given extra time on assignments, breakfast/lunch, and when needed, support after traumatic incidents. They coordinate confidential notifications via a private website to inform teachers to “Handle With Care” without revealing the student’s situation. “It is simply an opportunity for teachers and behavioral staff to give students in need extra love, attention, and time to get through the school day.”
Individuals going above and beyond include:
Gary Edwards who makes “homemade soup and oversees the salad department that serves meals to the homeless men, women, and children in Allegan and Ottawa Counties. Plus, Gary serves the Veterans who stay at the Gateway Mission by giving them rides to doctor appointments or to the Vet’s Hospital in Grand Rapids or Kalamazoo.”
Jim Wendt’s work at the Church of the Good Shepherd and around his neighborhood has caught the attention and thanks of parish members and neighbors. “Many know Jim for his prowess as a hunter and fisherman, but between his outdoor endeavors, we recognize Jim’s quiet work around the church and for neighbors, and his suggestions to ensure we have a lovely space to worship or enjoy homes and gardens. For this, we are grateful.”
Leah Ward and the K’zoo Folklife Organization, Allegan Chapter have worked to raise funds for numerous organizations around Allegan by bringing musical benefits to Allegan. “Ms. Ward and the KFO, Allegan Chapter have organized and produced the free Good Times at the Gazebo summer concert series and the Cabin Fever Concerts at the Presbyterian Church. For the countless hours spent on these projects, we would highly recommend that Leah and the KFO receive some form of recognition!”
Associate Area Director of Allegan County United Way explained, “To recognize the Volunteer Stars, United Way of Ottawa and Allegan Counties will celebrate all Volunteer Stars nominees during National Volunteer Week, April 17-23, 2022. All Volunteer Stars will be recognized on the United Way social media pages and website. Each nominee will receive a certificate and letter from United Way honoring them for their service to the community.”
During Volunteer Week, everyone is encouraged to do two things: 1. Thank those who give of themselves to assist others and make the world a better place; 2. Volunteer some time to doing something that will improve the community or someone’s life – make a phone call, clean a garden, volunteer at a “soup kitchen”. The United States ranks high in the category of volunteer hours… individuals keep the light shining bright.
Congratulations to 2022 Volunteer Stars!
Brenda & Pete Fenner
Dale & Ted
Allegan True Value
Ann & Mike Roth
Deborah Thorogood
Olivia Thorogood
Javier Juarez
Emily Timmer
Kathy LaFountain
Andy Boyer
Ingrid Boyer
Owen Boyer
Angie Boyer
Jim Wendt
Bart Shaw
Alison Sackley
Sandy Smith
Kris McGorman’s Class at Hillside Young Adult Campus
Otsego Police Department
Cate Rutter
Angelina Boyles
Barb Weaver
Christine Groen
Leslie & Patrick Ballard
B.S. Taylor
Sam Croteau
Alyssa Meloche
Gabrielle Nelson
Joshua Braden
Hailey Shank
“Team Depot – Plainwell, MI”
Paul Basel
Alexandra Bellew
Paul Hendrie
C. Sanders
Heather Cooper
Mike Cooper
Roger Hagerman
Craig Lewis
Becky Huberty
Olivia Huberty
Kelli Stuifbergen
Logan Stuifbergen
Wade Taylor
Stormie Drake
Positive Options Volunteer Team
Gary Edwards
Beyond Bones Volunteers
Educational Foundation of Allegan Public Schools
Ms. Leah Ward and K’zoo Folklife Organization – Allegan Chapter
Friends of the Allegan District Library
John Teeples & Team

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