Clare County Review & Marion Press

May I Walk With You? Synod 2021-2023

Pope Francis has called the whole church to participate in Synod 2021-2023. A synod is simply an assembly of the People of God-the Church. Generally, synods have been gatherings of Bishops and clergy, along with others of special expertise. With this synod, Pope Francis wants to hear from all the People of God, at every level of church, including lay people. That’s you and me!
Through Synod 2021-2023, Pope Francis is gathering all the faithful together, at every level to listen to one another, to learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives. The purpose is not to create more documents, but to truly listen to each other, learn from one another, in prayer, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That is, without judgement, prejudice, personal agendas, but with open minds and hearts to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church, as we journey together.
To accomplish this goal of journeying together we will be putting inserts into the bulletin today and the next few weeks with explanations and questions to ponder and pray about. Then on Sunday, March 20, after mass and on Thursday, March 24 after the Stations of the Cross, the parish will gather for formal listening sessions.
From these “listening sessions” a document will be prepared revealing our sense of journeying together and sent to the diocese. Not only will we include the work the Holy Spirit is doing in our local community now, but also the steps the Holy Spirit is asking us to take for future journeying together.
To accomplish this lofty goal, we need the participation of everyone. Each of us is unique. The Holy Spirit reveals himself to us in unique ways, yet with only a portion of his revelation. We need everyone’s participation so that we get a complete picture of how the Holy Spirit is leading us.
We ask that those of you who are not Catholic to keep us in your prayers, that we may truly journey together as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May He let His face shine upon you and give you His peace.”

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