Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

County agrees to allocate $7 million in ARPA funds for broadband

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

PAW PAW – Van Buren County Commissioners on Tuesday, Jan 25, approved a request to allocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds totaling $7 million for county broadband expansion.
After reviewing several ARPA proposals for broadband expansion, recommendations were made to allocate $7 million of ARPA funds for broadband, noting that the amount may be raised or lowered to accommodate the need.
Commissioners also approved a resolution for the county’s Human Services West upgrades/ remodel CIP project. A Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting held last month reviewed the Capital Improvements Project list. During that discussion, it was decided that the Human Services West building, in Hartford, needs upgrades to be used for county services or a possible outside occupant. The estimated project cost is $55,000.
The board also approved a proposal from SHRM to perform an employee engagement survey for county employees. The survey will be conducted on all Van Buren County employees with a variety of different questions/topics. The survey will cost $8,170.
The board also approved West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum as the designated planning agency for a Materials Management County Engagement Grant. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy is incentivizing counties to educate stakeholders on forthcoming opportunities and potential requirements to adopt sustainable materials management as a modern alternative to solid waste management.
The EGLE Materials Management County Engagement grant seeks to create partnerships within regions and counties, understand current materials management gaps and challenges, highlight future changes to the planning process, and outline steps that can occur at the county/regional level to assist with the development of future materials management programs and infrastructure.
A $12,000 grant will support outreach to public and private stakeholders, research of current practices in Van Buren County, educational events, and an outline for future planning needs. West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum will execute this grant for the county.
Commissioners also rescinded an earlier resolution and approved a resolution reflecting actual costs from the Essential Worker Pay proposal under Category 4 of ARPA expenditures. Last November, commissioners approved a resolution for essential worker pay in the amount of $156,389.23. This amount was the projected cost that included FICA, MERS, and Workers Comp. Upon doing the actual payroll checks for this essential pay and confirming the number of eligible employees, the total amount was $157,448.60, or $1,059.37 above the projected cost.
The board also approved the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Fiscal Year 2023 annual application. This is the means which MDOT uses to provide operating and capital funding to transit agencies throughout the state of Michigan.

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