Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes

Letter to the Editor: Wildlife crossings will reduce collisions

Dear Editor:

The next couple of months roads will be full of ice and snow, making driving conditions dangerous. While there is little we can do to stop weather related accidents, there is a source of accidents we can do something about: collisions with wildlife.
Every year millions of Americans hit wildlife on our roadways. Michigan ranks 5th worst in the nation for these collisions. State Farm reports we pay the highest car insurance in no small part due to collisions with wildlife. So while it can lead to injury and loss of life, it also burdens all of our pocketbooks.
Thankfully, last fall congressional leaders began to address these collisions through the funding of wildlife-friendly infrastructure program. The Bipartisan Infrastructure package includes funding for wildlife crossings, which are able to reduce collisions by 90% in areas they are built. Michigan should be applying to fund these projects.
However, more can be done. There is so much we don’t know about the movement of wildlife. Our Congressional delegation would be wise to consider supporting legislation that maps, studies, and conserves wildlife corridors. It will help us spend conservation money wisely and put much needed crossings in locations that have that biggest impact.

Suzanne Steinrueck
South Haven

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