Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Clare Fire Chief tells City about the loss of Gateway Lanes

Fire demolishes Gateway Lanes, now it is an empty lot covered with snow.

By Pat Maurer

“December was a busy month,” Clare Fire Chief Jim Chapman said in his report to the City Commission Monday evening. He said, we responded to five vehicle accidents, three with no injuries and two with injuries.” He said there were also two other fires in December, one that started in a camper and spread to an adjacent home that firefighters were able to save, and another, a trailer on Schoolcrest near Shagena’s trailer park in Clare that was completely destroyed. Chapman said the found out later that the single-story home was actually in Surrey Township’s district.
He went on, “On December 5th, we had a huge fire at Gateway Lanes [and Peppermint Lounge]. This was a historical fire in a 22,000 square foot building and unfortunately, Chapman said, estimating a loss of more than $1.5 million.
“We lost a true gem and popular entertainment spot in our community,” he said.
Chapman continued, “On arrival, we had fire through the roof. This a fire that I had given much thought to over the years. I first had discussions and actually preplanned this incident [in case it ever happened] back in 1988 when I first started on the Clare Fire Department. This was a bowstring type of roof construction and you can anticipate that the roof will collapse quickly if the fire gets to the attic. Typically, 30 minutes, give or take.”
“The fire was [already] in the attic on our arrival,” he said. “We attempted to make entry, but had to pull out. Things on the exterior deteriorated quickly and we went to [an] exterior defensive attack. The fire was fought as it was planned. We knew we would need a lot of water, so Harrison Fire Department was pumping out of the Tobacco River from the VFW to the fire scene. We had our [aerial] ladder and a ladder from the Mt. Pleasant Fire Department, each hooked to separate hydrants.”
The Chief said, “We used somewhere between three-quarters and a million gallons of water. We had twenty firefighters from Clare and another 25 from Harrison, from Surrey Township, Garfield Township and Mt. Pleasant Fire Department helping us. It took four and one-half hours to bring the fire under control, and another six hours to finish up.” He added, “We then returned several times to extinguish hot spots.”
“Unfortunately,” he said, “Lt. Claire Kaisler from CFD suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns while working on the top of the ladder. Her injuries were minor and she was treated and released.”
Chapman said the cause of the fire that destroyed both the bowling alley and the Peppermint Lounge is still “undetermined.” He said the fire was investigated by the insurance company. “We know the fire started up high in the kitchen area. They could not rule out electrical.”
In his report to the Commission Monday evening, City Manager Jeremy Howard reported on the recent DDA (Downtown Development Authority) meeting and on the Clare Planning Commission.
He said the January 11 DDA agenda included:
A request for sponsorhsip funding for the 2024 Art Council Sculpture Walk;
A discussion about dumpster enclosures, downtown trees and proposed Future DDA projects;
The review and approval of Bylaws;
A request for approval to place a memorial bench honoring Craig Parrish in the Downtown District;
Approval of the placement of hitching Posts for the 4th Street parking lot (old concrete dumpster);
Payment bill for November and December.
Howard also noted that newly appointed (former City Manager) Ken Hibl was appointed as DDA Chair. He said Mary Ann Shurlow remains as Vice Chair.
Business at the January 10 Planning Commission Meeting included:
Elections – Chair Jason Lowe, Vice Chair Josh Clark;
Annual review of bylaws;
A Public Hearing and Site Plan review and approval for Rite-Hite Accessory Building;
A Public Hearing and Site Plan review and approval for Tractor Supply Company;
Approval of the 2023 Annual Report and recommendation to the City Commission.
Howard reported on the continued dredging of Lake Shamrock and the Dam project. He said mechanical dredging by the City continues in front of Shamrock Park with good progress despite the recent winter storms and cold temperatures.
He said the Hydraulic dredging has begun by Savin with their two hydraulic dredges. He said, “They will be installing a booster pump to help increase the speed of the material being pumped to the holding cell. They hope to continue as long as possible – early morning to late evening with the possibility of a running a night shift at some point as well.”
Business at the 15-minute meeting of the Commission included:
Approval of two one-year leases allowing Kremsreiter Farms of Mt. Pleasant to farm approximately 135.6 acres of property at the Clare Municipal Airport at an annual lease amount of $108 per acre and a lease agreement allowing Kremsreiter Farms to farm 95 acres of property in the South Clare Industrial Park at a rate of $160 per acre.
Approved bills totaling$76,207.76.

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