Clare County Review & Marion Press Columns

May I Walk with You? Years End

Wow! Another year has come and gone, and we’ll soon be flipping the calendars to 2024. We just celebrated the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, and are moving on to gradual longer daylight days. I like to think that way, so the winter is not so dreary and depressing. We are still in the Christmas Season. I think about how wise the Church was to celebrate the birth of Jesus this time of year. It adds cheer to a dark time.
As I look back at the past year, I am not surprised to find that the resolutions that I made for 2023, will probably be almost the same for 2024. I plan to exercise a little more, eat a little better, get more good sleep, not drink too much and learn to manage stress a little better. I will also try to be a better husband, father, brother, grandpa, and friend. God knows I could use a lot of improvement in those areas!
Also, I think I will try to be a better Catholic Christian. This January, an adult formation program titled “Jesus and the Eucharist” will be presented at Our Lady of Hope Parish. Starting on January 18th and for the next 6 weeks we will be meeting at St. Cecilia Church for a potluck and video on the Eucharist after which we will have some small group discussion so we can grow in our Christian faith. The meetings will meet on Thursdays, start at 5:30 pm with food and run until about 7:30 pm. I think it will be a great time to meet and talk with fellow parishioners. Perhaps we can start and deepen our relationships with fellow churchgoers, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the Eucharist.
I hope to remain faithful to my relationship with Jesus and the Gospel. We are all called to deepen our love for God and each other. Our world seems to be in an awful mess, and it is very tempting to give up and let it all go to hell. Then, I am reminded by, I believe, St. Theresa of Calcutta, God calls us to be faithful, not successful. Yet, I believe that if we remain faithful to live our lives in accord with him, that eventually his kingdom will flourish and be successful. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen.
“May the Lord bless and keep you. May he let his light shine upon you, be gracious to you, and give you his peace.”

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