Clare County Review & Marion Press News

Township board tables floor project

By John Raffel

MARION – The Middle Branch Townsihp Board dealt with various items at its meeting in November and voted to table the floor project until the January meeting.
It was reported limestone is completed at the end of pavilion and the remainder will be spread and compacted.
The fan for the Fire Department has been delivered. Rubbish day had fewer participants than usual.
It was also reported the stand for the drop box is completed. The security camera needs to be installed above the drop box. The Ordinance for cost recovery was received and placed on file.
It was reported the township will need to find a new Blight Officer.
The trees between the cemeteries and the 40’s are tabled until spring. It was voted to sell the small tract of property off 15 Mile Road.
It was voted to pay $12,000 to the Fire Department for turnout gear, to be reimbursed by the Fire Department if they receive a grant.
Updates on the county were provided.
The next meeting is Monday, Jan. 8, 2024 which will be for action on township payroll and salaries and regular business.

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