Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Paw Paw trick-or-treaters tour courthouse

Safe Trick-or-Treating was held Tuesday, Oct. 31, at downtown Paw Paw businesses. Despite the 35 degree weather and periods of snow, it didn’t deter youngsters from visiting the businesses. New this year, the Van Buren County Courts offered trick-or-treats and a tour of the courthouse, complete with its owns “witches, ghouls and goblins”. Van Buren County Chief Judge Kathleen Brickley said, “The Van Buren County Courts appreciate this opportunity to engage with the community we serve. Court staff and stakeholders thoroughly enjoyed providing books and treats to the children, most of whom have never been in “court” before. Fun was had by all.”
Courier-Leader photos/Paul Garrod

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