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Mike’s Musings: EV’s may be the future, but they aren’t the present

I read an interesting statistic from my condo association executive director the other day. She claimed 30% of the cars sold in 2022 were electric. She also said that number will increase to 60% by 2030.
Now being the suspicious type, I had to read for myself what the real number was. I know the Biden administration and like thinkers would like us to believe that is where this country is headed, and very quickly. They would like to bury the internal combustion engine and bury it fast.
Upon research I found the number was nowhere close to 30 percent. The actual number was 5.8%. Despite the billions of dollars spent on advertising EV’s and despite the administration’s urgings that we all buy electric, only 5.8% of vehicles sold in 2022 were electric.
Like most I do believe EV’s are our future, but not in 2023 or 2030. There are too many limitations at this point for electric cars to rule the roadways. I oughta know because I have owned two Teslas, and driven them a combined 50,000 miles.
The greatest limitation is a lack of EV charging station infrastructure. We have gas stations practically on every corner in the city or village in which we live. Charging station availability? Well let’s just say they are improving.
Because of the lack of charging stations, EV’s in my opinion, are terrific vehicles if you are cruising around your neighborhood or driving to work and back. But taking it on a long road trip is dicey.
Let me share one of my experiences with a Tesla, by the way which has a better network of charging stations than other brands.
A couple of years ago I was driving from Michigan to Florida, and I was hit with a massive rainstorm at night in Nashville. My dashboard indicated I only had about 50 miles left before I needed to charge. Unfamiliar with the Nashville road system, I immediately started looking for a charging station. However, the torrential rainstorm and lack of road lighting didn’t make the hunt easy.
My dashboard went from 50 to 30 to 10, and now I was panicking. The problem with Tesla charging stations is there are no markings on the freeway indicating that an exit might have a charging station. Additionally, they are never just off the exit. You must travel a mile or so to get to them. Even with a GPS they are difficult to locate because they are usually behind a shopping center or building.
My dashboard now reads 2 miles left and all I could think about is what do I do when I have no charge left. I’m in a strange city, at night with blinding rain inhibiting my vision on a side street that is dimly lit. I’m praying, I’m scared, and then finally with one mile left I see the bright red Tesla superchargers. I had made it.
I will never forget the anxiety I experienced. Next week I traded my Tesla in for a gas-powered vehicle. I promised myself I would never be in that position again.
And that is precisely the biggest problem with EV’s. Charging stations, particularly in rural areas, are few and far between. Secondly, if you don’t have a Tesla and can supercharge it within an hours’ time, EV’s can take many hours to charge.
My condo association wants to install an EV charging station. The cost is $50,000. They feel bad for the six homeowners that have to charge to leave their vehicle at a hotel charger overnight down the road, then walk back, and then walk again to the hotel to pick up their charged vehicle in the morning. Certainly a hassle, but one would have thought the homeowners would have considered the hassle before purchasing the EV.
Electric vehicles are the future. I have no doubt. Currently they are an option for some. But they aren’t for everyone, and I wish our government and automobile manufacturers would understand that.

One Reply to “Mike’s Musings: EV’s may be the future, but they aren’t the present

  1. Mike – I get your doubt over the numbers thrown out by your condo prez but to immediately throw in Biden’s name tells everyone what you are really talking about. Stick to the facts unless you want a political discussion. FYI – I just moved from a condo development that had 18% electric vehicles. No one had any problem charging them at home. In fact most electric utilities have rebate programs to install a level 2 charger in your home. I had one installed in our new house and it cost me a grand total of $72.50 with the Consumers Energy $500 rebate.

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