Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Lawrence Community Seeks “Justice for Annie”

By Paul Garrod
Staff Writer

LAWRENCE – The Lawrence community is mourning the loss of a beloved deer that was euthanized Friday, Oct. 20, in Lawrence Township while the Pokagon Band Tribal Police was assisting Van Buren County law enforcement in a warrant arrest, according to a press release from the Pokagon Band Tribal Police.
Mario RedLegs, Chief, Pokagon Band Tribal Police, said his department is currently investigating regarding the deer being euthanized at the property of the suspect, who was taken into custody on the warrant.
Police Chief Redlegs said the Pokagon Band Tribal Police were assisting Van Buren County law enforcement and consulted with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The officer involved has been placed on administrative leave.
“We appreciate your patience in this matter, and we will provide an update once the investigation is complete,” said Chief RedLegs.
As news spread on social media of the death of “Annie” the 2-1/2-year-old small doe, who community residents said she had a half-grown fawn, a Facebook page was developed Saturday afternoon, named “Justice for Annie”.
Trisha Shabala wrote on the social media page, which has since grown to 1,400 members as of Monday night, Oct. 23, “Annie was a deer beloved by the Lawrence community. Her tragic story: 2.5 years ago, a fawn was found next to her dead mother hungry on the side of Red Arrow Highway. DNR and sanctuaries were not able to help, except one of the sanctuaries recommended to give her goats milk. The Lawrence woman who found her took her to her farm and kept her alive. Annie was never caged, penned, or even restrained. She roamed Lawrence and surrounding area freely, was given treats and pets from many in the community, including at the school (Lawrence Public Schools), many homes, and even the flea market (Reits Flea Market). Never caused trouble or hurt anyone. She was dearly loved. She also gave birth to a fawn this spring.
She continued, “On Friday, Oct. 20, 2023, a Pokagon Tribal Police Conservation officer accompanied Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office to serve a warrant to a person living on the farm property. Annie happened to be there. This officer, without properly investigating, caught Annie with a loop rod and shot her at very close range with his handgun while the family (including children) stood by watching and pleading with him not to hurt her to any avail. There was no attempt to “conserve” her life by finding a sanctuary rescue or relocate her. The only reason he gave for his actions is she was too domesticated and a “pet” and must be euthanized. Well, he murdered her.”
She concluded, “It’s heartbreaking. I understand the risks of a wild animal being this friendly, and unafraid of people, however, this was not handled properly in any way. I hope that we as people can do better, be better.”
Tracie Rindfield, also a member of “Justice for Annie” said in a social media post, “According to a local wildlife rehabber, Annie’s offspring is old enough to survive on its own. During this time of year, they will group together with other does and offspring.”
Still another member, Jane Danger, said, “It’s so heartbreaking that Annie started her adventure after her mother died, and now her fawn follows the same fate.”
According to Lawrence Township Supervisor Donna Spenner, the conservation officer involved, identified as David Loza, is no longer deputized in Van Buren County.
The shooting was captured on video.
As of Monday, the Pokagon Band Tribal Police did not offer any further statement.
The “Justice for Annie” Facebook group announced that it is seeking the immediate removal of Loza as a member of the Paw Paw Conservation Club. The club is expected to take up the issue at its Nov. 7 meeting.

One Reply to “Lawrence Community Seeks “Justice for Annie”

  1. This warped human, if I could really say what he is.. Needs a felony animal abuse. I believe he may have broken her neck trying to wrestle her. She fought with everything she had ( never being restrained before. She was terrified) and then those last 10 seconds or more layed dormant. For a few before he shot her…Watch the videos this IMBECIL had a slight grin on his face like he’d fought a ferocious beast and won. He obviously didn’t have to do a mental evaluation to carry A firearm and being his mental status, needs to lose that right and the right to be a officer of law. He truly doesnt abide by the dignity to carry that privledge.

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