Courier-Leader & Paw Paw Flashes News

Rajzer honored for 50 years service to 4-H

A longtime 4-H Van Buren County 4-H leader was recently honored for her many years of service.
Beverly Rajzer was honored with a state Special Tribute by Senator Aric Nesbitt for her 50 years in the 4-H program.
The tribute read in part: “As a leader in Van Buren County 4-H, Beverly is a role model whose knowledge and dedication has enriched and inspired the hundreds of 4-H students she worked with.”
Rajzer has been involved in 4-H in both Cass and Van Buren counties. She still volunteers with the West Valley Livestock 4-H club where she has served as a swine, candle making, and tin punch leader.
The tribute continued, “For the benefit of 4-H, her volunteerism extends to the Van Buren County Youth Fair where she has held numerous positions including assistant swine superintendent, sweepstake superintendent, and serving on the large livestock committee. Beverly has given her expertise and wisdom freely to ensure that the next generation is prepared with the skills they need to prosper and lead in their own communities.”
The tribute concluded, “We thank her for her tremendous dedication that has left a lasting impact on both the 4-H and local communities she serves.”

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